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refer back to chapter 13 of the wxs story


3rd person POV

The show was running smoothly and perfectly. But something happened, which ruined everything. 



Tsukasa was screaming and holding back his tears. His anger issues took control of him again. He couldn't stop himself.

"I'm... sorry... I'm so... sorry.."

Nene was trying her best to keep her voice together, but it wouldn't work. She hated being yelled at, but she deserved it.

Didn't she?

She ran away before she lost it all. Right in front of all her friends.

Her only friends.


Can she even call them her friends anymore?

"Nene!" Emu called, hopelessly. She never wanted this to happen.

She never hoped this would happen.

Is this the end of our journey?

She watched as Rui and Tsukasa argued. The tears that Tsukasa was holding back. 

She didn't want to listen anymore. It hurt.

"I can't believe you did that. To achieve some selfish, bratty goal- to be a star." 

Rui stared into his eyes. He was broken. What he thought that was his friend was actually a selfish brat. 

Tsukasa's eyes were blurry, both because of his tears and the rain. His every word that spit out of Rui's mouth broke his heart even more.

"I'm leaving. And also-"

Rui stopped and stared harshly at the blonde.

"-you don't have what it takes to be a star."

Then he walked away, chasing after Nene.

If Tsukasa's heart wasn't already broken, this was the last straw. 

"RUI-KUN!" Emu called. She was so sad that she couldn't bring herself to chase after him. She looked at Tsukasa, hopelessly. He was standing there, so lost- so scared- so broken.

She ran up to him and hugged him, tighter than ever before.

Tsukasa stared down at Emu, and set his hand on top of her head, patting it gently.

He couldn't have pushed her away. She did nothing.

She didn't deserve it, watching that fight.

Watching her friends leave.

Tsukasa stepped away from the pink-haired, and promised something he never should have.


Emu watched him, heart-broken. He'd never called her by her last name before.

"I'm going to be leaving. But I will be back."

He couldn't make eye contact with Emu anymore, but his voice was steady, and his message was clear.

"You promise?" Emu asked.


He paused before answering.

"I promise."

Then he walked away.

A few steady steps, then running the whole block back home. 





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