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first person POV: tsukasa


Walking to school with Rui was a pain.

I don't even know how I ended up walking with him.


I would've apologized, but every time I tried, my throat stiffened. 

I tried to be my starry self- laughing loudly every second and claiming I'll be a star, but I thought about it and knew that I failed being a star.

I failed Saki.

A small figure stepped out of their house. It was Kanade. She smiled at me, a small, white box in her hands. "Hey, Tsukasa." She looked at Rui for a second then handed me the box. "This is for you. Try not to fumble with it too much." 

I took it and thanked her. Two shouts came from behind me. I spun around to see An and Mizuki running ahead of us, laughing and talking.

"Hey, Yoisaki!" An called. She stopped along with Mizuki. 

Kanade ran up to Mizuki and An. "Hello, Shiraishi, Hi Mizuki," Mizuki grinned, wider than I've ever seen. "

They bickered around and Kanade was also smiling. She seemed to Shiraishi and Mizuki- it appeared to me they give her comfort for just being beside her.

Kanade looked back at me then grabbed my hand- taking me with her, Shiraishi, and Mizuki.

I wished to stay behind- to apologize to Rui- but Kanade most likely didn't know about the fight. If so, she probably knew I looked uncomfortable with him, and took me with her.

"Tenma-kun," An said. She looked at me, still grinning. Kanade let go of my hand and went beside Mizuki, chatting up a storm. "You wanted to see Akito at the rooftop, correct? I was walking with him before Mizuki dragged me with them. If you want to talk to him sooner, then you can go talk to him right now." She pointed behind Rui. Sure enough, a ginger and a blue-haired boy were walking, far behind.

I considered the option of talking to him about it, but then thought it would be rude to push aside Toya for Akito.

"No thanks, I think it's better to talk to him on the roof." I say quickly.

An nods, then runs back to Mizuki and Kanade, leaving me with Rui again.

He was staring off, but a ginger haired boy tapped his shoulder, bringing him back to reality. 

It was Akito. He caught up with us, Toya right on his heels.

Rui smiled at the sight of Akito and Toya, probably because it was awkward walking with me.

"Hello Akito and Toya," 

"Hey Rui!" Akito grinned. 

Since when were they on a first name basis? 

I quickly read Akito's, Toya's, and Rui's faces. At first glance, you could only see happiness and relief, (not sure why he was relieved,) but there was a hint of concern in Akito's face. Rui also looked relieved, (probably because he doesn't have to be alone with me,) but there was another expression on his face that I couldn't quite pin. Toya was rather glad to meet me, because he waved at me, but gave me a look that said something like, "I can't talk to you right now, no matter how much I want to, but we can catch up later." 

Of course, that raised my suspicions, but I didn't think much about it. I quickly nodded a "Hi," to him, then took my leave. 



first person POV: mizuki

Of course, it wasn't suspected to even think about another person entering our SEKAI, but after what Ena said, I couldn't help but meet him at school.

The blonde made his grand entrance to school by not-very-surprisingly not screaming and laughing loud enough so that my ear drums could bust. Instead, he walked into school like any normal person. If it weren't for me being so observant, I wouldn't have seen him walk in.

"Hey Tsukasa-senpai~" I said. 

Tsukasa basically jumped a few 100 feet and turned around, startled.

Ena appeared behind me, which almost made me jump 100 feet. 

Tsukasa's eyes traced me, then Ena, then me, then Ena, repeating before he finally spoke.

"What do you need, Mizuki?" He opened his locker and very carefully put down a plain white box, with two small letters written in the corner. 

"I just wanted to know something," I replied. Ena was staring at me, drowsily.

Ena was tired, I could tell in her voice and her body language. She lied her head onto my shoulder, mumbling softly.

Tsukasa shut his locker and traversed through the packed halls with surprising grace, while I had to drag Ena with me and stepped on many people's feet.

I finally caught up to Tsukasa, who was sitting on a bench on the roof. 

I huffed at him while Ena collapsed on the same bench Tsukasa was sitting on. Ena collapsed on Tsukasa next.

"Why did you have to run so fast!" I exclaimed. It was more of a statement than a question, considering the fact that he most probably didn't want to talk to me- let alone anyone at that moment. He snuck a arm behind Ena, and gently patted her head.

Tsukasa made no attempt to answer, but instead took out his phone and started scrolling with his free hand.

I continued talking to him even though it looked like he didn't notice me.

"Tsukasa, when are you free?" I asked as I sat beside him.

"After school," He muttered so softly that I didn't think I heard him right.

"Great!" I say, hopping back on my feet and dragging Ena along. "Can you make it to the cafe in front of the school by then?" I ask, heading for the door.

"Yeah," He replies. I quickly say bye and scamper down the stairwell, seeing Rui and Akito along the way down.


this chapter was too long so i had to make it stop here sob

937 words!

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