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akiruikasa maybe??????

toya got abandondeded or wtv u say it
anyways tsukasa very emo and akitoes helps him with shitty advice


first person POV: tsukasa

aaah shit what did i do to end up here, I think to myself.

Rui and Akito are both on the rooftop with me, and they haven't noticed me yet. (HES SITTING ON TOP OF THE STAIRWELL BUILDING THINGY)

They seem to be teasing each other while Akito reads Rui's planning journal. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, but it must've been a actual serious talk, minus the teasing. They were just out of earshot, but I managed to catch some words.

"So were these for the show?" Akito said, barely loud enough. Rui replied, but I heard something like, "Snow, chicken butt.. spooky coke," so I figured I misheard. It must've been something bad, because Akito took his eyes off the journal to take a look at Rui.

I eventually got bored of their conversation and ended up on my phone, but I forgot that my volume was blasted to max. (insert tondemo blast boosted playing)

I immediately lowered my volume and I caught two pairs of eyes staring right at me.

Akito was surprised while Rui was concerned.

"Tsukasa? You're up here too?" Akito asked.

no shit sherlock you can see that if you have eyes, is what I wanted to say, but I didn't.

The muffled sound of TONDEMO-WONDERZ played in the background while Rui interviewed me.

"Why are you up here? Were you spying on us? What were you doing?"

 I was near 100% sure that wasn't all of his questions, but he would automatically assume that I was spying on them if I just dashed for it.

I scoffed at him. "I've been up here, and then you two decided to come up here while I was trying to think."

Of course, the last part about me trying to think was a lie. I simply came out here to escape from the noise, but that probably wouldn't cut it for Rui, as he knows me only as a loudmouth idiot.

Akito's eyes flicked back and forth between me and Rui, as if watching a Ping-Pong match.

Rui just stared at me suspiciously, like trying to find out if the words I just spewed out my mouth were real or not. As I could say myself, am very hard to read on expressions, he didn't manage to do it. He simply whispered something in Akito's ear. 

Based on Akito's reaction, I could tell that it wasn't good.

"What?!" Akito shrieked. Then his voice changed into a whisper-shout. "You're going to make me do that..." His voice went quieter at the end of the sentence, so yet again I couldn't hear anything.

Rui only shrugged.

I jumped down from the stairwell building thing and made my way to them, as they seemed like they wanted to talk- at least Rui did. 

It would be awkward to speak first, so I held my tongue. It felt like centuries before anyone made a move. 

Rui took his things, and headed to the stairwell, bidding us- more of Akito than me which I won't be complaining about as he has a point- goodbye as he pushed the door open and walked down.

"So.. can you tell me why you left?" Akito asked. There was genuine concern in his eyes and I could hear it in his voice, so I decided to tell him.

"Ouch," Akito muttered as I finished my story- purposely leaving out meeting Ena in her SEKAI. "You know, if you do want to be his friend again- or at the very least apologize- then you should just go for it. Say your sorry, and don't fake it." He glares at me at the last word, letting the word sink in. He could tell I've been faking my smile for the past few days.

"Rui and I have been getting along I guess," Akito mutters. "But I know that he most likely will accept your apology. You should also give Kusanagi's apology too. I know it's probably hard, but try to actually talk to them. It should be easier once you talk to them." 

For someone that seems to hate everything I do, he gives surprisingly decent advice. Shit at explaining though.

I smile at him. "Thanks, Akito." I manage. If I said anything else I would burst into tears. I don't know why.

Akito grins back at me and picks up his things, getting up to leave. "Aaah, don't mention it." He pushes the door open and walks through. "Bye, Tsukasa." He says.

And then he's gone.

I climb back up the stairwell building (IDK WHATS THAT CALLED SOMEONEM PLS TELL) and lie there for a while. I don't feel like attending my classes. Maybe I could just lie up here- Akito and Rui didn't notice me until I blasted TONDEMO on max.

I fish out my phone from my pocket and realize UNTITLED is still there.

I make sure no one is around.

Then I click PLAY.


rahh rahh ra ah ah ah roma roma ah gaga o lala 

so relatable

824 words!

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