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third person POV: main focus nene

Nene strolled into the library, cautious to not bump into Tsukasa.

She was still heartbroken from the fight. Of course, she forgave him but she didn't want to talk to him at the moment.

She still needed to apologize to Emu, who had been watching the fight. Emu didn't deserve that, so Nene was planning to go to the park after school.

The green haired was just looking for a engaging book. She needed to get her mind off the fight and not a lot of things were working.

"Kusanagi-san?" A voice called.

She spun around, finding a blue haired boy.

"Aoyagi-kun," Nene managed. She wasn't looking forward to chatting today- or any day after the fight for that matter.

Toya stepped closer to Nene so he wouldn't have to yell to her. "Are you looking for a specific book?"

The green haired didn't know how to respond. She was never that good at explaining, but she was desperate to get the fight off her mind. "Well, I'm looking for a engaging book. Do you have, uh, any recommendations?" She asked.

Toya smiled then guided her to another bookshelf and took out two books.

"I'd take this one if your more into mystery, but this one has more plot twists and is mostly focused on comedy." He replied.

"Great, mind if I take both?" Nene asked.

"Not at all. Do you want to check out now?"

"Sure," The green haired responded.

They went to the desk and Toya checked out her books. "Kusanagi," Toya said, handing the books to Nene. "Can I ask you something?"

She was pretty sure that Toya was asking about the fight. If someone knew about the fight that wasn't her, Emu, Tsukasa, or Rui, it had to be Toya. He was the closest to Tsukasa in all of Kamikou.

"Of course, ask away." Nene replied. She wasn't in the mood to talk about that certain topic, but she didn't want to be rude to Toya.

"Well, Tsukasa hasn't been answering my texts, and he hasn't been out of his room for a few weeks." Toya continued. "The only time he's ever been out was to go to school, so I was wondering if you knew what happened?"

Shit he doesn't know Nene mumbled under her breath.

If Nene talked about it in the library, she would burst into tears, so instead she asked him if they could meet at roof in their free period.

"That's fine, I'll see you then, Kusanagi."

"You can call me Nene." She replied, then headed toward the door.


3rd person POV: main focus still nene

The green haired swiftly exited the classroom and headed up to the rooftop to meet Toya. As much as she didn't want to have a conversation about the fight, Toya would eventually find out and she didn't want to be portrayed as rude to him.

She pushed the door open to find Toya sitting on a bench, crying.

"Toya?" Nene quickly walked toward him, pushing aside his bags then, taking a seat beside him. Toya didn't answer, but tried his best to stop crying since there was a person beside him. Nene quickly notice this since this is how she always acted in middle school with Rui.

"Hey, it's alright Toya, you don't need to stop crying- I won't judge you," Nene said, a bit too quickly. Toya looked at Nene's comforting smile, then let it out in her arms.

(ew that sounds so cringe 🤢)


3rd person POV

Toya found himself in Rui's bedroom. He wasn't sure how he got there- assuming Rui wasn't there when he was crying.


His eyes opened entirely to find Nene sitting on the bed, legs crisscrossed and holding her phone.

"Nene?" Toya wiped the drool from his face and rubbed his eyes open. He just realized that he didn't tell Nene why he was crying.

Toya sat up on the bed and Nene handed him a cup of water. He reluctantly took it.

"Do you mind if I ask why you were crying?" Nene offered. She placed her phone on the nightstand and got into a more comfortable spot on the bed.

Toya fumbled with the cup after taking a sip of the water.

"I found out about Tsukasa."

"Ena-chan told me today. She told me what happened to him with the fight and all." Toya explains. "He locked himself in his room and wouldn't leave. Saki and I both tried to get him out, but the only thing he tells us is, 'I'm fine!'."

Nene felt her heart breaking. She never expected the fight to turn out so horribly.

Tears welled up in Nene's eyes. "I'm sorry..." She repeated over and over to Toya. "I never expected the fight to turn out this horribly..." Nene cried.

The green haired laid her head on the blue's lap  and she sobbed, regretting what she did. They felt terrible.

Toya let her cry there for the next few minutes, reassuring her and patting her head.

"Kamishiro-senpai..." Toya managed to make out within Rui's bear hug.

Nene couldn't even breathe.

"You guys were so cute..." Rui rambles. He caught Toya and Nene "cuddling" and found it as a excuse to be let into the hug.


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