wrong sekai

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3rd person POV

He was running as fast as he could, to one place and that one place only.


His clothes were all soaked, as well as his bags. The rain had some serious influence on him.

When Tsukasa finally reached his house, he noticed a figure with long, light blue hair approach him.

"Hey, Kasa."

Opening the door, he took a look behind him. 

"Hi, Kanade." 

He set his bags inside of his house and watched as a few more figures approached behind her.

"...why are your girlfriends here?"

Mizuki and Ena appeared behind her, which meant Mafuyu was probably dragging behind. Seeing them all at Tsukasa's house  was a common sight.

"Kanade saw you running home before your show ended," Ena said. "And she dragged us here to check up on you."

"Well thanks, but I'm fine." He stated, faking his loud voice. "The show actually ended early because of some difficulties because of the park."

"See? I told you he was fine." Mafuyu says, clearly wanting to go back home.

Tsukasa faked a grin, smiling as wide as he could.

Ena nudged Mafuyu with her elbow, which in return recieved a harder nudge by Kanade. Mizuki shot Tsukasa a look that said something probably like, i know damn well you aren't feeling good today but we'll talk about this later, Then they took Ena and Mafuyu's hand and led them away.

"Well, sorry then! Bye, Tsukasa!"

And they left.

He stepped into his house, still soaking wet, and locked the door.

The house was more silent than ever. It was so quiet, you can hear a fly buzzing from 50 miles.

No one was home. His parents were visiting Saki at the hospital, and Toya was at practice.

He was alone.

All alone.


first person POV: tsukasa

I climbed up the stairs, bags in my hand, took a shower, then collapsed on my bed.


At this time, I would be discussing plans with Rui, Nene, and Emu, but they are all gone now.

They left me.


They hate me.

It's all your fault.




Then all my thoughts disappear.

I try to think of something. I don't function properly when my mind is blank. 


Luckily, a DING! comes from my phone which gives me something to think about.

I open up my phone and see UNTITLED on my phone.

Didn't I title my sekai?

I press the button.



The glowing light around me changes to my SEKAI. That's good, isn't it?

I notice that none of the vocaloids are in sight.

I start walking to the ferris wheel. The ferris wheel always calmed me down.

But my step falters when I see a familiar purple haired figure.

I drop to my knees but the scene around me changes.

It's no longer my SEKAI.

Instead, It is just nothing.


first person POV: ena

I visited the SEKAI alone because Kanade was running errands with Mizuki, and Mafuyu had to study.

I normally only ever visit when someone is with me, but me and Akito fought again, and I wanted somewhere to escape.

Then I noticed a gloomy figure in the darkness.

I thought it was Miku for a second, then I realized their hair was blonde.

Maybe Rin came this time?

The figure was sitting there, curled up into a ball and crying. 

I saw the figure once- that was for sure, but I couldn't pin who it exactly was.

When I went closer to the person, I was shocked.


I stare at Tsukasa. His eyes are red and puffy. He looks up at me and buries his head back into his knees, trying to keep in his sobs.

"Go away, Shinonome-san," He mutters, barely loud enough.

"There's no way I'm leaving when you're a crying mess."

"Yeah, well it's not nice to not listen to someone when they are a crying mess," Tsukasa mumbles, sitting up so that he can face me.

I also sit down on my knees so I can speak to him properly.

I read his facial expressions, and I'll be honest, it's really hard. It's the same as trying to read Mafuyu. It's hard- but possible.

"Tenma-san?" I ask.


"..is it alright if I ask you what happened?"



He finally looks up from his knees and gives me a look that says, "should I really tell you?" Of course, I don't want to force him, so I give him a soft smile.

"Alright, you got me." He says, the faintest smile touching his lips.

*explanation blah blah*

I stared at him in shock. I never knew he went through something like this. He always hid it behind that unreadable smile.

I creep beside him and give him a hug that he needs.

And to my not-really surprise, he hugs back and starts sobbing softly.

"It's fine. Let it out, crying is good." I say,  in my most comforting voice.

And he does.





772 words

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