unexpected meeting

191 5 9





💜 yuki

mizuki, was ena in the SEKAI?




oh no she wasnt

🤍 K

she must be home then

@ enanan

🤎 enanan

hi everyone :)


hi loveee

where were you

🤎 enanan


at home rn

oh and also

Tsukasa was in our SEKAI



3rd person POV

"So your finally home after a day and a half Akito? What were you doing anyways?"

Ena stood at the front door, closing it shut and locking it as her younger brother made his way in.

"I was at my friends house. What else would I be doing?" Akito answered. He put his shoes away and headed to the guest room.

"Why are you going in there?" Ena said, chasing after the ginger.

"WHY IS TSUKASA IN HERE??" Akito yelled, in shock at the sight of the blonde hair peeking out from under the covers.

Ena smiled sheepishly and sat on the bed where Tsukasa was sleeping. "Reasons. Now why were you coming in this room?"

Akito stood at the doorway of the room and stared at Tsukasa.

"Honestly, my mind malfunctioned.." Akito answers, and lies on the bed beside his older sister.

She watches her brother and the blonde on the bed, then walks away without a word, closing the door behind her.

Akito sighs, as he turns his head to face the blonde, who is now very much awake.

"What are you doing here?" Akito asks, staring intensely at the blonde. Tsukasa blinked twice before sitting up on the bed. "I..." He looks around, surprised.

"I don't know. You should ask your sister."

Akito sits up as well, shaking his head a "no". "She wont answer me."

Tsukasa snickers, and grins. "Looks like she likes me more than you, and your her own brother." Akito nudges him with his elbow, which makes Tsukasa fake-tumble over on the bed, and makes Akito laugh slightly.

"Whatever. I'm going to go to Toya's house." Akito slides off the bed and toward the door- which makes Tsukasa shoot up and run to the door of the room. "Let me tag along with you," He says, with a pleading face. "Ugh- fine. Don't make that face though."


first person POV: tsukasa

Me and Akito walk out the door to his house. Walking with him is awkward, because he doesn't talk the whole time.

The walk from his house to Toya's is surprisingly not long at all. Before I even notice his house, I see Toya in front of the door to his house.

"Hey, Toya!" Akito smiles.

"Hello, Akito," Toya says, returning the smile. "I see you brought Tsukasa?"

"Yeah, he wanted to tag along." Akito replies.

"Hello, Akito-kun."

I stop fidgeting, and look up. A figure I didn't want to see just appeared. My whole body freezes.

Rui appeared from behind Toya. Guessing that they were all hanging out, I probably should've left to my house before he came.

"Oh- hi Kamishiro-senpai." Akito responds. He gives me a look that says something probably like, are you okay? you aren't saying anything.

I don't answer, but instead take my sweater that he was holding for me. "I'm going to go, bye Akito." I mutter to him as I speed-walk away from him, going to my house.

I should've apologized to Rui.

Why are you so stupid, Tsukasa?


first person POV: rui

"Hello, Akito-kun."

I say. I was visiting Toya for a few days, and he said he wanted to invite Akito over.

"Oh- hi Kamishiro-senpai." Akito responds.

He looks behind him, and to my surprise, Tsukasa is behind him.

I never noticed Tsukasa. He looked so upset.

Tsukasa stepped foward and took a sweater from Akito, muttered something, then left.

He seemed to sprint all the way to his house.

"Well- that was something.." Toya said. He turned around to Akito, who was now heavily concerned. His eyebrows was scrunched up.

I turned back to the door of Toya's house and invited Akito in.

During the whole time we were hanging out, Akito seemed zoned out.

I was concerned for Tsukasa- why wasn't he his usual self? Did he not recover from the fight? No- he must've. It was days ago, and if someone forgives the fastest, the first person that comes to mind is him.





tsukasa why did u leave so early?

i thought u wanted to tag along

💛 tluvsk


i wanted to tag along bc toyas house is close to mine

and i thought u didn't want me there

🧡 akitoe

why would i not want you there?!

you did nothing

💛 tluvsk


sounded like you hated me in the past..

🧡 akitoe

that was a joke

what happened between u and rui bro

💛 tluvsk

if u rlly wanna know

meet me at rooftop at lunch

🧡 akitoe


damn its already 10




gn = get naked 🤨🤨🤨🤨

💛 tluvsk


gn akito

🧡 akitoe



akikasa friends real

769 words

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