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"Tsukasa-senpai?! Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Mizuki demanded.

"No... I just wanted to stay here for a while before going." Tsukasa responded calmly, despite the death glares he was receiving from

The pink haired sighed. They knew it would be no use having him get scolded by them.

A familiar light came from behind both of them. When the light faded, in view was now a light blue haired girl.

Mizuki waved at Kanade to come over, though Kanade was rather confused why Tsukasa was in their SEKAI.

"Kana~ did you already forget what Enanan told us?" Mizuki teased. Kanade simply shook her head, remembering what Ena told them.

"Tsukasa, shouldn't you be in class or something?" Kanade asked. The blonde shook his head no.

"Well, how did you get access to this SEKAI?" Mizuki asked. She sat on the floor on the cold SEKAI and both Kanade and Tsukasa joined them.

Tsukasa opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't even understand why he had the ability to enter this SEKAI with his own phone. "I'm not sure," Tsukasa replied.

"Haah?? How come?" Mizuki tried again. The truth was that Tsukasa had his suspicions on why he was there, but he didn't feel confident enough in voicing them out loud. He dug his phone out of his pocket and stared at the UNTITLED on his screen.

"I think I missed a few classes already," Tsukasa excused himself out of the SEKAI before Kanade or Mizuki could question him more.

"Oi, Tsukasa-senpai."

Tsukasa's eyes flickered open to find Akito sitting next to him.

"Aa- Hi.." Tsukasa manages as his light adjusted to the setting sun.

The setting sun? Tsukasa thought to himself. How long was I asleep?

He realizes that he isn't on the stairwell roof anymore. He was on the roof, yes, but not on top of the stairwell anymore. Tsukasa's face flushes in embarrassment as he realizes what Akito must've did.

The ginger immediately noticed, and produced a laugh. "You were pretty light." He teased. Tsukasa rolls his eyes. He was currently lying down on a bench on Akito's lap.

"Where is Rui?" Tsukasa asked, getting up from his position. "I thought you both were hanging out."

Akito smirked, resisting the urge to tease him about it. "He had to go take Toya to his house since he found him sleeping on Kusanagi. He should be back soon though."

Tsukasa was surprised, at everything Akito said, but he didn't want to stick around when Rui came to see Akito.

"Rui is coming to pick you up??" Tsukasa tried to clarify. The ginger nodded his head, which caused the blonde to go in complete panic.

To Tsukasa's luck, Rui pushed open the door to the rooftop. "Akito-kun," Rui hummed, then stopped short when he saw Tsukasa. "Ah, well hello, Tsukasa-kun!"

Tsukasa didn't move a muscle. He felt his heart stop for at the very least 3 seconds, and but felt his heart beat again when Akito replied to Rui. "Rui-senpai," The ginger smiled then walked over to him.

"Shall we go, Akito~?" Rui purred in a way that Tsukasa wanted to punch him in the face. Akito rolled his eyes at the voice Rui used when he said his name.

"Sure," Akito replied. "See ya later, Tsukasa."

When Tsukasa watched the two leave, he breathed out a sigh of relief. He realized just then that he hadn't been breathing much when Rui arrived.

A tinge of jealousy sparked in his heart, but the star couldn't pin who he was jealous was.

Tsukasa peered off into the sky and watched as the sky transformed from color to color. He took his bags and headed to the door.

Tsukasa didn't know when his mind drifted off, but while his consciousness was gone in wherever land, his feet took him to Phoenix Wonderland.

He caught sight of a small girl that reminded him of Emu and another girl who looked like Nene- only that was both Emu and Nene.

They were both going on the Ferris wheel, when Emu saw Tsukasa.

The pink haired smiled and waved, glad he kept his promise.

The green haired on the other hand, was surprised and scared. Without much of a second thought, she darted inside the ferris wheel.

Emu saw and followed, waving bye to the blonde.

730 words
hi sorry for not posing busy with school stuffs 😿

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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