Chapter 4: Mind Games

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David sighed as he leaned onto the balcony railing, watching the stars. Particularly the Blue Star, ever present outside his bedroom, even in daylight, as if it was watching over him. He recalled Oreius briefly mentioning something- or someone- to that effect, but the High King had initially dismissed it. But now, at the court's request for David to stay in Cair while they locate Thirsa after her assassination attempt on him, David realized he had little to do but ponder about the presence that had been gracing his days ever since Lilith left.

"It's unlike the Blue Star to be in this location for as long as it has," Mr. Tumnus voiced from behind the High King as he slowly walked up to the balcony alongside him.

"How do you...know that?" David asked curiously.

"I've heard many stories...normally the Blue Star resides far East above the Ocean, and some even say she's named after the lily-covered waters she shines over," the Faun answered with wonder as he gazed out at the Star.

David looked to Tumnus with equal wonder at such a picture in his mind.


The Faun looked at him with a surprised smile.

David shook his head. "I mean...why is she here, much less for this long?"

"My guess is," Tumnus answered after a pause, "that she's watching over you."

David briefly looked down in surprise before looking back up with a growing smile, and said nothing for a few seconds.

"...Oh, speaking of watching over me, I'm sorry that...just...this whole arrangement, y'know? Rotating shifts while the others are out looking for Tirsa- Theersa? Tearsa? Thirsa. Sorry you're kinda stuck with me, Mr. Tumnus," the High King said, turning his head a little to look in the direction of the Faun next to him.

"Oh, I don't mind," he replied. "I don't need to have to talk to you in order to want to talk to you. Same goes for you, by the way- if you ever want to talk, feel free, aside from the fact that you're the High King, but- point is, Your Majesty, if you ever need someone to listen who wants to, I am here."

"Thank you, and- I do like to talk to you," David replied.

"Any particular reason?"

"We're in Narnia," David answered with a smile, "who wouldn't want to talk to Mr. Tumnus?"

The Faun smiled back gratefully before his expression shifted into one of concern. "Oh dear...on that note, I just remembered I have to be somewhere, but-"

"But what?" David asked calmly.

"Heath is taking the next shift to be in your company while the others are out, and- well, he isn't back yet from leading the search party for him to take his shift."

"I'll be fine, don't worry," David said with a genuine smile. "Not much can hurt me from the safety of Cair Paravel, which is the point of me staying here."

The Faun nodded and began to walk away, before turning around.

"You know, take some moments like this to soak it all in," Mr. Tumnus offered as parting words. "Not many of us have Stars directly watching over them, and even fewer have had their lives saved by them. Whenever you consider yourself less than Incredible, Your Majesty, it might benefit you to remember that the Blue Star absolutely considers you worth protecting."

With a final smile, the Faun left the room.

David nodded slightly, happily, before turning back to gaze at the Blue Star fondly. The presence that had been gracing his days ever since Lilith left was certainly a comforting one, and David smiled at the Star that always seemed to cut through the winter sky, and in the cold of the day, he felt warmed by the knowledge that it might be all for him.

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