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There he was walking through the hallways, receiving glances and stares every time. People whispering could be heard. He didn't bother looking at the others or to say something. He was simply on his way to the cafeteria.

Standing in line next to his friend, he felt everyone's gazes. Two girls in front of them turned around after giggling a bit. "Hyunjin, will you be going to the grand party?" the blonde one asked. "Of course. I wouldn't dare to miss it." he said and winked at them. They giggled as they turned around again.

"You're going to the party, right?" a friend asked as Hyuniin put his food tray onto the table. He nodded and sat down. "Great. I'll be able to get with this chick then." he happily said. "As far as I know, your chick is more interested in Hyunjin than in you. I don't think you'll have a chance." the friend next to Hyunjin said.

"Hyun, buddy, just settle down already or we won't be able to get a girlfriend any time soon." his friend said. Hyunjin didn't reply. He simply kept eating. "It would be dumb for him to settle down. Imagine how many girls he could get." a friend said.

"Is girls the only thing you're interested in?" Hyunjin asked as he got up while holding his now empty food tray in his hands. He turned around and bumped into a girl. Her books fell onto the floor. "I'm so sorry. I was looking at my phone. I didn't see you." she said as she bend down to grab her books of the floor. She still hadn't looked at him at all.

Hyunjin squated down and helped her collet her books. "I'm really sorry. Are you okay?" she asked and finally looked at him. He shifted his gaze from the books to her. Their eyes met as she was already looking at him, waiting for an answer.

He was waiting for the usual reaction girls would give but that reaction never occurred. "Are you okay?" she asked again since he hadn't answered her yet. He suddenly felt the urge to say no to see what her reaction would be. "I'm okay." he said and handed her the books he had gathered. He then grabbed his food tray, that he had put down and stood up.

"Once again. I'm really sorry." she said and stood up. "It's really fine. Just watch where you're going next time." he said and smiled at her. She however did not return his smile, she just nodded and walked away without saying anything else.

Hyunjin watched her leave the cafeteria, being a bit confused. He looked around and noticed that everyone's attention was on him. "Are you really okay?" a girl that was close to him asked. He nodded and walked towards the place where students should put their dirty food trays.

"Who even was that?" the friend who followed him asked. "I don't know." Hyunjin said as he put his hands in his pockets and shrugged. "I thought you knew everyone." "No, of course not. There are so many people in this school. It would be impossible to know everyone." he simply replied.

They were walking outside. "Hey Hyunjin, wanna play basketball?" someone asked. He stopped walking for a second and looked at the basketball court. He noticed the girl who bumped into him, was sitting closeby reading a book in the shade. "Yeah, let's get to it." he said.

Both girls and boys came to watch the match, loudly cheering for Hyunjin to win. The smirk on his face was as big as ever. He had made a few points and thought that his team should try to make some.

While he passed the ball to his teammate, he looked at her. He was breathing heavily as he kept watching. Suddenly she looked up from her book and their eyes met. Someone snapped him out of the staring contest they were having by shouting his name.

He received the ball and made his way over to score. While doing so, he couldn't forget about her eyes. They had a different feeling when they looked into his. Something he found hard to describe.

Even though his head wasn't at the game at all, he had somehow scored and won the round. His teammates gathered around him as they praised him. Many girls went crazy over him right then and there. Screaming their longs out just so he would take a quick glance at them, Hyunjin didn't look at them. He wasn't interested at all.



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