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Soon the party was starting. Hyunjin sat on a sofa, on a higher floor so he could watch everyone. His friends were next to him, drinking alcohol and looking for some girls.

Hyunjin was bored. He just sat there, back against the sofa while he drank whatever his friends gave him. He wasn't in a mood for a party at all but with his reputation it would be weird to not show up. "I'm going down to talk with some girls." a friend said to him. He had simply nodded as he watched two of his friends go down the stairs.

Many girls were looking up, hoping to get a glimpse of Hyunjin. He sighed and got up. He walked over to the edge and looked down, smiling down at everyone. "Let's go downstairs together." his friend who stood next to him asked. He simply nodded, not wanting to conversate.

As he walked down the stairs, he had noticed the girl again as she passed by right in front of the stairs. She was with a friend. Hyunjin took his last step on the stairs and got pulled by a girl, she wanted to dance with him.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I wanna go back to the dorms?" Y/n asked her best friend who happened to be her roommate as well. "Oh come on. I know you're not in the mood but sometimes you just need to forget everything." Chaewon. "And kill my braincells, no thank you. College is already hard enough as it as." she replied. "Don't pretend like you don't drink." "I never said I didn't drink."

Soon they stood outside, next to the pool. The music wasn't too loud over here and there were just the right amount of people. Someone tapped Y/n's shoulder. She turned around and saw a group of five girls standing in front of her. "Can we help you with something?" Chaewon asked as she pulled her friend closer.

"You. You can't just bump into Hwang Hyunjin. And having eye contact for so long is not allowed. Don't you know the rules?" the leader of them asked Y/n. Chaewon and Y/n looked at each other in confusion. "Who's Hwang Hyunjin? What rules are you talking about?" she asked.

The girls gasped. "Don't be oblivious." the redheaded one said. Y/n didn't reply, she didn't know what to say. She totally didn't get what they were talking about. Suddenly it hit her, she had bumped into a guy the other day. "Isn't it just a guy anyway? I don't see the problem here. I apologized to him." she said

Within a few seconds Y/n was in the pool. Everyone was watching. Even Hyunjin. He was there just to get some fresh air, he didn't know there would be a show. "Y/n?! Are you okay?" Chaewon asked as she held her hand out. "Dude. Calm down. I can swim." she replied and swam to the edge. The five girls had left already.

Chaewon helped her friend out of the pool. "I think we're clearly missing some information." she said. A guy came walking up to them. He had a towel in his hand. Y/n was sure he meant well but her mood was even more ruined than it already was.

She held her hand in front of her, signaling to not come closer. "Don't even bother." she said and walked past the guy. Chaewon watched her friend walk off. "I'll take this." she said and grabbed the towel from the guy as she quickly followed her friend.

"Since when do you care for nobodies?" a girl suddenly asked Hyunjin. "No one is a nobody. Everyone is special in their own way." he said and winked at her so she would shut up. Which she luckily did as she was too busy obsessing over the fact that he had winked at her.

Chaewon quickly caught up with her friend. She stopped her and put the towel around her. "Don't even think of taking it off. I'm not gonna take care of you if you get sick." she said, almost scolding her. They continued walking back to the dorms.

"Who even is this Hwang Hyunjin?" she asked her friend. Chaewon had her phone in her hand. "Apparently the heartthrob of our college. He's very popular." she answered and showed her friend of Hyunjin. "That's the guy I bumped into." Y/n said. "He's also the one who offered you the towel." her friend said.

"I admit that he's good looking but that still doesn't give those girls the right to push me into the pool." Y/n said. "Girls are so weird." "You're one yourself." Chaewon said and laughed. "I know. At least I'm not THAT weird." Y/n said.



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