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// mentions of pedophilia, suicide attempt and traumatic events

Kaede 🐸

kai im gonna post something on insta


no offense but like you never
post anything

ik that's why im gonna post on insta

is it for nick

bro no tf

i gained a good amount of followers
on that app and i wanna feed them

can i see the pics first

i was gonna show you but you thought
it was for nick so now im gonna let you
wait for it

when are u posting them and
do u even have good pics of urself

why are u so mean i have good pics


fuck off u get no bitches


I open up Instagram and clicked post. I selected the pictures I wanted to post and posted them, slamming my phone downwards on the desk.

My leg bounced up and down nervously, having not posted in so long and was genuinely scared of what reactions might come from my followers.

I really thought Nick would be at the reception and wouldn't see my post for hours but as I hesitantly picked up my phone, I see that the first notification was Nick liking the post, commenting on it and posting it on his story. Kai did the exact same thing but a little later than his.




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