Chapter 2 School

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Finney's Pov:

"Hola cariño" Robin says and I can't help but blush even more than I already am, he just called me darling AAAAAAAAHHHHHH wait finney keep it together. I look down at my shoes like there is something interesting about them when I hear Robins soft yet stern voice say "look at me Finney", I slowly looked up at him as he takes his fingers from under my chin to brush a strand of hair out of my eyes.

Whaen he puts his hand back down I could see the cuts and blood that came from Moose and himself. I gasped and grabbed his hand to inspect it, "it looks ok but we do need to wash it before it gets infected" I said softly not taking my eyes off of his hands so I wouldn't be under his powerful stare.
I looked up at him for a second and said that we should wash it in the school bathrooms and before he could argue I took his non battered hand and dragged him the rest of the there.

Once we got to school I brought him into the bathroom to clean his cuts. I pulled him to the sink started to slowly wash his hand, I didn't even notice him staring at me, admiring me like he always does.

"thank you mi amore for taking care of me I do really appreciate it but your going to be late for class." he said worrying about me "don't we have the same class
together, y'know science?"i ask him,he just looks at me with that gorgeous smile and ruffles my hair." well come on then you don't want to me to be late now do you?". I tease, he chuckles and we both start walking to class together talking about why we had to dissect a frog.

(time skip to the end of class)

Robins Pov:

The bell went signalling to us that our class is over, when I was about to go talk to finney he scurried away as if he was trying to get away from me, so I followed him to see that these three dipshits were close behind him. I followed them into the bathroom and the three boys were calling finney crued names which I didn't like at all. I turned the corner to see finney looking terrified and his bullies suddenly looked at me in fear, "dipshits move." I said in a monotone voice, I went over to the sink pretending to rewash my cuts and asked finney "hey finney, how's it going?" he looked at and answered while moving closer to me "y'know just keeping on, keeping on I guess". As they were about to leave I said "wait","fuck with Finn again, I fuck with you",they stared at me with fear in there eyes not daring to move "you can leave now" and they all scurried away like the pathetic little scumbags they are.

He looked up at me while saying thank you, I shaked my head with a sigh, "you have to start fighting for yourself one of these days, I know that I can't always protect you amor even though I would love to".he blushed a little at the nickname and looked down at his hands "I know..". I looked at him noticing his mood had changed, I had to cheer him up because I just couldn't stand seeing him upset, "hey maybe after school we can go and watch a movie?, I recommend the texas chainsaw massacre".my heart filled with joy when I heard him laugh and say "my dad will kill me if he ever seen me watching that movie, he said its to 'graghic'," I laughed, "could you help me with math again, if I get another f I'm suspended", I said and he just smiled softly at me before saying that he would, "hey we should go to the grab n go to get snacks for the movie after studying of course" I said not really liking the idea of walking by myself. "yeah sure, I kinda didn't want to walk home alone since it's Friday so Gwen would be going to Suzies for the night".
We said ours goodbyes then went to our separate classes.

(time skip to after school)

I walk out of my last class for the day, excited to meet finney and walk together. I know I'm gay and have a crush on finney, I mean who wouldn't, look at him, his hair is always fluffy and has a nice curl to it, his eyes are a warm chocolate brown that you could get lost in forever, his smile, god his smile is my everything, the way it could brighten the darkest of days and he doesn't know it. God if something ever happened to him I would break.

My thoughts were cut off by finney shouting my name on the other side of the, I walked over to him"Hola cariño", he smiled "hey Robin". As we were walking to the grab n go to get our snacks a black van pulled up where we were walking. We slowed down a bit as a man in a magician costume came out of the van with some paper bags full of groceries, I grabbed finney's and started walking faster to get away from the guy because he was honestly very creepy, but then he fell and spilled his groceries everywhere.

"Oh! Gosh silly me, I'm so clumsy sometimes. Could you pass me my hat there?". I looked over at finney who was hesitant at first gave him his hat back. "I'm part time magician, would you like to see a magic trick?". Finney was about to say yes when I cut him off "no thank you we'll be going now". As soon as I said that the 'magician' did not like how I answered him, he opened the van to grab a can of something and black balloons, the exact ones that were on the news when that Bruce kid was taking and covered Finn with them and sprayed the stuff in his mouth. I quickly ran over to them and star kicking and punching him, as I was about to punch him again, he grabbed my arm, twisting it until we both heard a snapping sound, I screamed in pain but it was muffled by him spraying that stuff in my mouth. Everything started to get blurry as he threw me into the van with finney already beside me, unconscious, the last thing I saw was the grabber closing the van doors and then everything went black.

1110 words😭

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