Chapter 6 Griffin

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Robins Pov (😳) :

The peaceful darkness that once drowned out the Cruelty of this world and the people that were in it had slowly started to drift away, replacing it with a high pitched ringing and a soft, almost whispery voice murmuring something that I cant quite make out, until the ringing in my ears died down and I could hear more clearly, I knew who owned such a delicate voice and a beautiful soul, it was my Finney.

I slowly open my eyes to see a beautiful boy, Finney. Although my day dream was cut short when a wave of agony washed over me, I groaned in pain catching Finney's attention, he stopped praying and looked at me with relief but also sorrow and guilt in his eyes, "oh my god robin I thought you were gone Im so sorry for leaving you up there with that asshole im so so sorry", he said as he started to cry more than he already was.i weakly grabbed his hand and started to rub it in a soothing way as i reassured him," it was never your fault ,i was the one who went up there by choice even though it was a pretty stupid thing to do" i smiled at him trying to make the situation a little lighter than what it was ,thankfully i succeeded and i made Finney smile, a soft smile, but to me it was everything .

We were gazing into each others eyes as Finney put his hand on my cheek and began to stroke it softly, i didnt think that i could love Finney more but here i am falling head over heals for him again , my thoughts were interrupted by his soft voice ,"can i tell you something ,but you have to promise not to think that it will affect our friendship if this goes badly?" he asked with an unsure voice ,i nodded my head showing him that im all ears , he takes a deep breath and starts to say something that i will never unhear, "robin, i have had these feelings towards you for a while now but i always used to push them away like they were evil or disgusting but i now realise that these feelings are natural and beautiful because they are unique just like you and i just wanted to say this for a while but i always thought it was wrong to feel what im feeling so what i wanted to tell you is that ,i love you robin ,i love you so much it makes me feel like im on cloud nine ,like when all the worry and weight on my shoulders are lifted when you walk in the room, you are the happiest thing that ever happened to me and i just wanted you to know that before something happens down here that i cant control ,and it would destroy me if i never got to tell you how i truly feel and i understand that you dont feel the same , but i still hope to be good old friends ,but if you dont i completely understand.

i was now in tears ,shocked at the confession and the amount of complements he gave me ,"Finney i love you too , so so much you dont know either", i smiled and leaned forward giving him enough time to consent ,once he nodded and leaned in until ours lips connected into a sweet and soft kiss , it was everything i ever dreamed of , soon enough we had to break the kiss from lack of oxygen , when we pulled away we stared into each others eyes and smiled ,as i slowly sat up due to the pain everywhere i built up the courage to ask Finney the question ive been dying to ask for a while now ,"Finney Blake would you do the honors of being my radiant boyfriend ?",his smile slowly turned into a toothy grin as he nodded quickly, he jumped into my arms totally forgetting that I had cuts all over my body, I coughed and said with a wheeze, "be careful there baby", he got off of me while blushing because of the nick name I gave him.

Finney's Pov :

I blushed when he called me baby, god he is just perfect ,I'm so happy do be called his boyfriend , his lover , his. I never thought I would fall in love with a boy , I always thought I would end up with Donna but I guess I was lucky to find this beautiful boy that I'm proud to call my own .Although the happy and memorable moment came to an abrupt stop as we both heard the metal door unlock and open , I leaned closer to Robin even though he was in a lot of pain and wouldn't do much harm to the attacker due to the harsh beating he received a few hours ago. I helped Robin sit up and prepare himself for what was about to happen next , the grabber opened the metal door a few seconds later holding a tray containing a plate of eggs and the soda , but there was something new that he was carrying but I couldn't quite make it out and neither could robin with the amount of squinting he was doing , I gently nudged him being mindful off his deep wounds to tell him to stop making it so obvious that he was looking , robin nodded slightly at me to tell me that he understood , we faced the grabber again as he started to talk ,"I'm sorry I had to do that but you were a very naughty boy and I hope I taught you a lesson not to disobey me ." he said with a sickly sweet but unsettling voice , I turned to Robin to see that he had tears welled up in his eyes ," did you learn your lesson ?", Robin slowly nodded his head whispering a quick 'yes' to answer that sick man's question , the grabber chuckled like he had won an achievement then he turned his head to face me and said ,"I'll let both of you go if you tell me your name" , he said , I could see his grin behind his mask like he was planning something bad , I sighed and made up a fake name ,"Tayler , my name is Tayler Mullin", I said ,the grabber suddenly threw the tray to the side and pulled the object that he was carrying and threw it at me , it landed at my feet so I picked it up not really having a choice and opened it , it was the local newspaper and it had my name and picture on the front page but what was odd about this is that Robin's name and picture weren't beside mine , it was like they just forgot he existed which shattered my heart. "And I was starting to like you FINNEY!", he shouted my name which made me flinch, he turned to walk away but paused for a second and said ,"I almost let you go too. Before he turned around and left but once again closing the door but not locking it ,as I was about to go off the mattress the phone rang again ," hello?", I said while looking at Robin with worry and guilt in my eyes ,"there's a cable along the wall to your right , you are going to use it to try and climb to the window and up there is a latch that you can unhook to open the window , good luck ."and then the phone hung up.

I started to go and find the string with Robin since he insisted on helping me , once we found it I tried throwing it at the window to see if it would catch in one of the bars on the window guard but the string wasn't reaching it so I was about to give up until I heard Robin suggest something, "maybe if we get one of the carpets to put the string through so it could reach the top?", I lit up due to his idea, went over and hugged him lightly, pulled away and kissed him passionately, when I pulled away from him he was blushing hard ," god your just so amazing baby!" I said and he blushed harder than before and muttered ,"oh yeah yeah uh thanks hehe" , I giggled a bit before I began to walk towards the bathroom where the carpets were while Robin followed behind me. We dragged the biggest carpet there was and put it up against the wall , it was surprisingly the perfect height , I started to put the string through it and eventually it reached the top making it wrap around one of the metal bars making it easy to climb up , I tied the ends together making a small foot rest for more balance and started to climb up the rope , when I reached the window I tried to find the latch and when I was so close to getting it the metal guard fell and so did I , the metal guard fell on my head which would probably leave me with a concussion , Robin scurried towards me and helped me up while giving me a lecture about 'safety' , I sighed and pecked him on the lips to silence him , it worked." Can we just go asleep I'm tired and I want to rest and you have to heal up" I said and Robin just nodded dragging me towards the dirty mattress and laying me down with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around my torso as we drifted into a world of imagination.

(time skiiiiiip 😁)

Finney's Pov (still):

I woke to sound of something dripping ," Robin....ROBIN do you hear that ?" he groaned and opened his eyes , while sitting up he said ,"hear wha-....wait yeah I do , do you have a light or something to make light?" he asked then I remembered I had my rocket light so I took it out of my pocket and started to shine it around the basement until I shined my light into one of the corners , there was a boy there but his back was arched in an awkward position , he was also floating with blood dripping from the slit in his throat , I gasped and so did Robin while he held me close. The boy then pointed towards the phone to tell us that we had to pick it up. I slowly got up and made my way to the phone and picked it up , but when I turned around to look at the boy again he was gone , I looked at Robin who just shrugged ," hello? who is this?" the boy spoke up but not answering my question ," you don't have much time , he hasn't been sleeping , he thinks this is it that he is going to find out." I paused for a second before asking who was going to find out ,"his brother upstairs" the boy then started to laugh as if this was funny ," are you Griffin?" I asked ,"who?" ,"Griffin Stagg ?" Griffin paused then said ," maybe , you probably know all of our names ", I sighed ,"all the kids in the state do , I'm sorry but I don't know you that much" ," nobody did until I went missing then every kid in the state knows your name" he said in a small voice , it saddened me that he was 'forgotten' like that ," he took my bike lock it's on the back door , your 'friend' tried to get the combination but failed" I looked at Robin and he looked down like he was ashamed of not getting it , "do you know the code?" I said "I can't remember-", "Griffin!" I said quickly, "it's on the left wall and remember that he's asleep so hurry" Robin and I looked over and read the numbers on the wall, "which one goes first?", "I don't know you're going to have to try them all" he said I sighed but thanked him before he hung up. I then opened the door and made my way upstairs with Robin behind me, once we got to the top I almost gagged at the sight of the grabber with a belt in his hands and his shirt opened but he was asleep which was a relief, we made our way to the door and I started to put the codes in, he first 2 didn't work until I put in the last one, the lock opened but the dog started barking, we quickly ran out of the door not looking back since we knew the grabber was awake. I dragged Robin down the street as he called for help but the grabber was already in his van, he caught up with us and nearly ran us over but we quickly got back up but Robin wasn't quick enough and the grabber tripped him up and bashed his head against a rock knocking him out, "ROBIN!" I shouted but my mouth was covered, then he also tripped me up too and held a knife to my throat as the neighbour's lights turned on, "say one word and I will gut you like a pig and strangle you with your own intestines." he snarled at me, when the neighbour's turned off he got on top of me and said, "nighty night naughty boy" before knocking me out into a cold oblivion.

All I wanted was my Robon

All I wanted was my Finney

To be continued....

2258 words I'm very tired so I won't be posting for a while, thank you all for the support I really appreciate it enjoy this chapter and story 🤗🙏🏻🥰bye.

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