Chapter 7 Vance

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Finney's Pov :

I remembered it all, unlocking the door, running with Robin, trying to get away, but failing, getting tripped up, threatened to be strangled with your own intestines, then getting knocked out, but before that you see your lover in agony, trying but also failing, also being knocked out, and at the end of it all I'm a 'naughty boy'? What did I do wrong, do I deserve it all? , does Robin? No. We don't, it's not his fault but it sure as hell feels like mine.

I groaned in pain as I opened my eyes to find that I was back here, back in this horrible basement, but I realised something, I'm.... alone, why am I alone?! Where's Robin? Am I just not seeing him? That he's probably in a dark corner or... or in the bathroom. I felt my nose my nose bleed as I whispered, "asshole", I then got up and started looking for Robin even though I knew he wasn't going to be there. After searching the whole basement, I couldn't find him, my lover, my everything. I sat back on the bed while my eyes were tearing up as I thought about the worst.

Until the phone rang.

Robin's Pov :

Everywhere hurt, I couldn't even describe the pain I feel right now, I woke up in another basement but this time the ground wasn't concrete it was dirt, and the smell was retched, I look around seeing four large mounds of dirt and two holes with a shovel beside them, then I realised it was where the dead kids were buried, I gagged and started to cry, these poor kids,Billy, Bruce, Vance..... Griffin. My thoughts were interrupted when the basement door was opened and the grabber was there but he had an axe in his hands, "you've been a very naughty boy, it's time to go asleep now." as he lifted the axe above his head and swung it at me, but I moved just in time to get up and start running towards the door, I was fast but he was faster, he grabbed my leg, making me fall and he dragged me to one of the holes, pushed me in and started to choke me, until I started to feel like my head was going to explode, it felt nice in a way like I was expecting it to be like this, I never wanted to die but right now it may be better for me, so I can stop feeling the pain and hurt, but then I remembered Finney. Oh no I can't leave him, I need to fight but I feel myself slipping, slipping away into 'peace' as they would call it, its peaceful when your not trying to fight for your lover. After the agonising pain I felt it started to drift away and so did I back into the unknown darkness until the immense pressure around my neck disappeared, I drew in a sharp breath and opened my eyes again to see the grabber looking at, "I changed my mind, I'm not going to kill you first, I'm going to kill the other very very naughty boy... just to see you suffer." I tried stopping him from getting to my Finney but he just shoved me off of him, got the handle of the axe and whacked me across the head making me go into that void again but this time I felt like I was dreaming that I could see the..... oh no no no no I cant be dead, they were all looking at me with sadness in their eyes, Bruce started walking towards me and held out his hand with a soft smile, I hesitated for a second then decided to take his hand, but my hand went through his he looked confused but shook it off , "are you ok? I know it's hard at first but it will get better, I promise", i stared at him with tears in my eyes as I broke down, falling onto my knees I sobbed violently, "No! This this c-can't be hap-happening I was supposed to s-stay strong for finney, what if t-the grabber ki-kil-FUCK!" I shouted, gripping my hair tightly as I cried. After I had stopped crying and collected myself, I looked around noticing that there was only three boys, Bruce, Griffin and paperboy/Billy, instead of four, I turn to Bruce and ask," where's the other guy, Vance I think that's his name?" Bruce sat down beside me and started to explain how the phone worked and when you close your eyes you can go to the other basement to talk to finney or to see if he was ok, "we all checked up on eack other, but we couldn't hear the phone, not like you and finn can, although I don't think it's over for you just yet." Bruce said, I looked at him confused, "how, i can see you guys and talk to you guys?", he sighed before explaining some more, "yes you can see and talk to us but when I offered to help you out of your own grave your hand went through mine, that hasn't happened to any of us and we can all see our bodies, while we can't see yours" my eyes widen oh my god he's right I can't see my body, "so, that means I'm just deeply unconscious?" Bruce nodded his head, "probably", I nodded thinking about how I'm supposed to get out of this state, then the ground started to shake and vance appeared, flying into the wall behind me, Bruce ran up to vance and started to ask if he was ok, while I closed my eyes and thought about the other basement and going there until I felt the mattress underneath me and I knew I could watch over finney.

Fineys Pov :

The phone rang, "no", it rang again, "fuck you", and again, "dammit", I got up and went over to the phone picking it up, "who's this, or do you even know who you are?!" I half shouted, half questioned! "What kind of shit question is that, do you know who you are!" the voice shouted, I realised who it was, "your vance hopper, you used to scare me." I said, "yeah well you'll be fucking terrified if you knew what was coming for you, he said that I was special and after what he had seen what I had done he was angry, and he took his time with me too." vance said, "what did you do?" I asked him, "I'm getting to that dipshut, there's a freezer on the other side of the left wall in the hall use the lid of the water bowl from the toilet to break through the concrete, climb into the freezer and out the back." i nodded, "thank you" I said, "for what?", "for helping me?" he started to get angry, "helping you?! I'm not helping, FUCK HIM!" He shouted as the whole place shook, it was so loud, I whimpered going into a corner, then the two glass bottles flew towards me and smashed against the wall I was leaning on, I screamed holding my head down so no glass shards could go in my eyes. I finally got up and went over to the bathroom and took the lid and started to bash it against the wall. After a while and drinking the water from the toilet I finally got to the freezer but it had bolts on it so I looked in the toilet to find a circular thingy that unscrewed the back and I was able to get in the freezer. I lunged myself against the doors but they were locked, after trying a couple more times I gave up and crawled out of the freezer, between everything has been going on I was just to overwhelmed and started to cry as I pushed myself against the wall, but I didn't cry for long as I heard a far to familiar sound.

The phone started to ring.

Sorry it took so long to write this one, I wasn't motivated at all but I hope you enjoyed this chapter😊. 1377 words

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