Chapter 8 Robin

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Finney's Pov :

I heard the phone ring again for the 4th time, I groaned as I slowly got up from the ground where I was crying at. I made my way over to the phone and sighed before picking it up,
"...what...."i said in a quiet and tired voice," hey buddy, how've you been amor? ". My neck snapped up, my eyes wide and awake as I almost imediently knew who I was talking to," Robin?, is that really you? " I said desperately trying to figure out if it was actually him or my mind playing tricks on me," yes it's me baby, " he laughed at my confusion.

I smiled, but my joy and happiness was cut short when I realised that Robin was talking to me through the phone, I started to panic, as my breathe hitched i asked with a shaky voice, "Robin... are.. are you dead?", tears glossed over my eyes when I thought of never seeing my Robin again, then I heard his soothing voice over the phone saying, "no, I don't think so, but I can see them, I can see all the dead kids finn", I sighed in relief and comforted him.

Until he said in a stern voice,"finney you need to stand up for yourself one day right?, that day is today, I want you to use the phone and practise swinging it, just imagine its a baseball ok?", "ok", I lifted the phone and held the base of it, putting my good leg in front and my bad leg just a tad bit behind me as I got into my position like I'm about to swing, "ok so now you take a fast step back, then forward, then back again and swing, go try it now!" he orders me to do and so I did it while he kept on resighted those lines, take a fast step back, then forward, then back again, when I finally got the motion and rhythm we stopped and I asked," will I be able to speak with you again? ", I waited until he gave me an unwanted answer, "this is the last phone call finn, now fill the receiver with dirt, make sure to pack it in tight to give it some heft and cut the cord, good luck mi amor, I love you.", "i love you too... I'm gonna miss you Robin.", "well then get out for me", I sighed as I started to tear up, "goodbye Robin" I whispered, "goodbye finney" he whispered back as I hung up the phone, tears slowly streaming down my face as I cut the cord and start filling the receiver with dirt.

All I had to do was wait. And hope for the best.

For Robin.

460 words I know it's very short but I will write more 😁

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