Chapter 9. getting out

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Finney's Pov :
I wait. I wait for him, for him to walk down those stairs and open that metal door. I wait with the disconnected phone in my right hand, grasping onto it with a sweaty hand. I wait anxiously, contemplating my life and if its worth it to fight back, until I stop feeling and thinking that way after Robin entered my head. Him. I'm doing this for him. To get justice and revenge for the other dead kids, those poor kids with bright futers a head of them, but no, he had to take that away from them. And I'm going to put an end to this, once and for all.

I'm going to kill this motherfucker.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the rusty metal door creek open and slowly reveal the man that did not traumatized all of us?"holy shit I knew he was hiding something from me but I didn't know it was this big" the man said to himself then he looked at me, when he seen my panicked state he reassured me that he wasn't bad and that his name was Max. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in and then started to tell him him that he should call the police," no no don't worry kid your okay, he isn't home right now he has gone to the shop-" I screamed and backed up into the wall behind me seeing the grabber with an axe that he just put through the mans head." Look what you made me do, you made me kill my brother", brother? Jesus this is really fucked up," no no I didn't kill him!" The grabber pulled the axe out, with the squelching sounds I nearly threw up but I kept it together.

He was holding an axe ready to do inexplicable things to me, and he wore only the top half of his mask so I could see his vicious grin. I gulped nervously but held my gaze, not letting his glare distract me. I slowly stood up still holding eye contact while gripping the phone with my life." I'm going to really make this hurt." Then he ran towards me and swung the axe but I dodged and ran into the 'bathroom' while hopping over the hole, grabbing the rope and pulling it, tripping the grabber, making him fall into the covered hole and breaking his ankle. I scrambled to get up and got into robins fighter stanse, remembering robins words I took a fast step back then forward then back again and swung, I hit him straight in the face. I stepped back, finding a new self confidence then I did it again and again. But the last one I forgot to step back and he grabbed me dragging me down. As he held me, I accidentally pulled his mask off and he freaked out, letting me go I quickly wrapped the telephone cord around his neck and pulled on it, strangling him with it.

Then the phone rang.

We both stilled, then I knew what was going to happen and I had a feeling he knew too,"it's for you" I said darkly as I put the phone to his ear. Then I could hear the voices that helped me through this traumatic event," welcome to the end of your pathetic little life,you don't have much time, Finn's arm is mint!",and with one swift motion I snapped his neck. Then it hit me, all of the dead children's voices were there apart from robins. This gave me hope as I got up and went to the freezer pulling out the meat and throwing it to the dog then walking up the stairs, not daring to turn back.

As I got to the backdoor I breathed in sharply thinking this is it, I'm finely getting out, I'm finely free. But a part of me wasn't happy, yes I was getting out, but I was alone without my love, he was the only thing keeping me going and now he's not here to be free and to see his uncle and watch Texas chainsaw massacre. Tears well up in my eyes as I unlock the door and push it open taking a deep breath of the flesh air while squinting from the bright sun. As I look around fully taking in that I was free, I seen my sister running towards me and I was quickly engulfed in a hug. Then the police can e and I told them about the basement. I was then escorted by the paramedics to an ambulance where I sat with my sister for the next few minutes.

Then I heard the police saying something that would forever change my life,"we got another survivor!" My head shot up and my heart was beating violently, as I looked to see who it was I heard a voice calling my name. I looked in the direction of where I heard the person calling my name and I seen him. Robin. He was in a stretcher, with a relieved look on his face. I jumped out of the car and ran to him and tackled him in a hug. I didn't realise I was crying until I felt him wiping my tears away,"you did it baby, I'm so proud of you" he said, I smiled and brushed some hair out of his face," I wouldn't have done what I did without you or the others help, thank you robin, i-i love you", " I love you too cariño", then he pulled me in for a kiss and I gladly accepted it. I have never felt so happy, when we pulled away I put my head on his shoulder as he held me waiting for everything to calm down. I could finely breathe as we sat there silently enjoying each others presence. It was peaceful. As I was looking around, I spotted something. It was the victims all standing there looking at me and robin, I tapped robins shoulder as he looked to where I was looking and gasped softly. They all smiled gently at us and we did the same as they turned and walked away disappearing Infront of us. We set there souls free. We are free.

I had to include the original idea in it just fit so well! Thank u so much for reading my story I'll be updating more chapters hopefully. 1123 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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