Chapter 3 The Grabber

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Robins Pov:

I slowly open my eyes to find that I was being carried into a basement with a mattress in the middle of the room against the cement wall, the grabber threw me on to it and went to close the door before turning around and saying something that made me sick, "you stay here and ill go get the other boy, what was his name again.... Ahh yes Finney",and then he left, closing the metal door and locking it, I tried to get up but when put pressure on my left arm it felt like someone had stabbed it many many times, I looked down and realised that the bone in my arm was sticking out of my arm with only a thin layer of skin covering it. I let out a painful sob holding it lightly so it doesn't hang and give me more pain.

As I sat up, I heard the metal door unlocking and opening to show finney in that Bastards arms. I scurried up the mattress to the point my back was hitting the wall behind me, as he put my finney down onto the mattress and said"my arm, I should snap your neck for cutting my arm",. Finney slowly sat up and looked at the grabber with hazed eyes as if he couldn't see that well, "I'm not going to hurt you, what I said earlier, I was angry and I didn't mean it. Although you did a number on my arm, it looks like I killed someone hehe". He was about to brush finney's hair when I shouted "Don't touch him!", the grabber looked at me with rage in his eyes and walked over to me grabbing arm saying"i can do whatever I want",before snapping my arm back into place. I screamed in agony pulling my broken but now 'fixed' arm out of his grip, trying to keep myself together for finney.

The grabbers mood suddenly changed from being angry to a concerningly calm mood, it was terrifying to see someone's emotions to change so fast. He went back to finney who looks like he had seen a ghost(... welp😳) and asked"do you like soda?, well since you have been a good boy you can have a soda"the grabber said while he softly poked finney's chest, he then looked to me, mood changing to a stern, angry look again and said"you don't get to have a soda because you've been a naughty boy ". He proceeded to go to the door, looking back at Finn and I before closing it.

Finney's Pov:

As he was about to go back upstairs, he looked at us one last time before closing and locking the door, I felt sick to my stomach,then I heard some heavy breathing beside me, "oh my god! Robin! Are you okay?!" I asked worried for him. I sat beside him and looked at his arm, I was now more worried for him. I was over thinking when Robin snapped me out of it"im fine mi amor, he just broke my arm"he struggled to say trying to act strong for me but I could see the tears forming in his eyes. "hey" I said in a soft and loving tone, "it's okay to cry, you don't always have to be strong for me, I can see that you are hurting, please just talk to me instead of holding in the pain". He looked up at me before he broke down with tears streaming down his beautiful face, I pulled him into a tight bear hug making sure to be careful with his arm. He was now a sobbing mess, "it hurts finney, it hurts so much, I'm so sorry making you walk with me, I'm just so sorry" he sobbed into my chest more, "shh, it's okay you have nothing to be sorry about, you never made me do anything. Do not blame yourself okay?" he lifted his head from my chest and nodded.

After Robin calmed down, I helped him up to look for any type of support for his arm, there was a small sheet over the mattress that would be perfect for a sling to hold everything in place, after I made the sling, I put it on him making eye contact before quickly looking away so wouldn't see the obvious blush on my face "thank you cariño I really appreciate it" he said while smirking at me, this gave me butterflies in my stomach.

When I have Robins arm done we to look around, there wasn't much, there is a little hall that leads to a tiled bathroom with some matts rolled up to the side of the wall. I walked my out to the main room, there was an old mattress that was screwed to the ground, a small window that was to high for us to jump and climb onto. Robin was looking around the walls trying to find a crack but before he could look at the last wall he whipped his head around to look at the wall in front of me. Wondering what he's looking at I walk closer to the wall until the light finally shines on it, a phone, a black phone.

"Robin what do you hear-" as I was about to finish my sentence, a loud ringing noise came from the phone, it startled me and I hesitated to answer it but when I was about to pick the phone, Robin got there before me, "hey its okay mi amar, I got it." he smiled at me. I let out a little sigh of relief that I wasn't the one answering it although I did listen close though.

Robin's Pov :

I took a deep breath and picked up the phone keeping it close my as well as finney's, but as I looked closer to the phone, the laed that connects everything was broken, it looked like someone had ripped it off in anger. "it won't work. Hang it up, the last time it worked I was child" he said in a high pitched and when I didn't hang up he started to get angry as he walked to the middle of the room, he repeated himself in a slower, more stern voice "Hang. Up. The. Phone.", it almost sounded like he was about to growl at me. I slowly hung the phone back up before finney started to talk to the grabber "just let us out please, I'll scratch your face!" he siad and the grabber just laughed "what, this face?" the grabber put his hands up either side of his face in a jazzhand type of way so we could see that he had a mask on, he laughed and went back upstairs closing and locking the door.

Finney started to pace around, arms crossed while biting his nails, he started to panic so I quickly took his arm and sat him down on to the mattress with me crouching down in front of him, I lifted his head while he was muttering that we couldn't escape and that we were trapped, I soothed him as he pulled me into a hug and I lay him down, my arms around his torso, his head on my chest, as our legs were intangled with each other. Finney slowly started to get sleepy but fought it, "finney baby go asleep ok? I'm right here if anything bad happens okay, so get some sleep, yeah?" I asked and he nodded softly while muttering "thank you Robin", before he was in a deep sleep. I held him tighter as I smiled to myself finally being able to go to sleep.

Oh lord this was a long chapter
Thx for still reading this book😁
1303 words😐

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