Chapter 1: Ami

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In the train, Nikostos was sitting against the window, a forced smile going from ear to ear. His condition makes him looking the opposite of his feeling: if he's happy, he'll look sad. If he's scared, he'll laugh. In that case, Nikostos isn't happy at all. He has no friends because people don't want to accept his condition.

Nikostos is the definition of the uncommon guy: His parents disappeared and never returned since he was 8, at 16 he only had himself as a friend. He was wearing a red trench coat and black pants. His long black hair made him look like someone menacing while no one was trying to pay attention to him.

When the train stopped, Nikostos was the last to go out. He went back to the park, where at the center there was a single tree. Nikostos put himself against the tree and looked at the sky.

Nikostos: Mom... Dad... Where are y'all?

Suddenly, he felt strange. He looked around and saw a floating lighted orb. He looked at it quite a time.


Then, another orb spawned near the first one, then another, and another... They were now many of them and Nikostos felt even more confused. Then, in one second, a massive wind hit his face. The tree disappeared, the grass disappeared, the boy looked around and didn't saw anything. Then he looked underneath him and found out he was... Falling!

Nikostos: What the- *massive laugh*


Down on the surface, a long pink-haired girl holding a map was exploring the forest. She was happy to have a bit of freedom. She had an hairband on her head and white clothing. Then, she heard something strange. It felt distant, but clear, it sounded like a... Laugh. She looked around to see where it was coming from, until she realized that the sound was coming closer and closer. She then looked in the sky and saw something falling. It was going to hit the ground and she wanted to see what it was. At the moment of the impact, a lot of birds took their flights. The girl then go on the direction of the falling thing. When she saw it, she suddenly became very curious: A young boy has fallen from the sky and was now on the ground, unconscious. She approached the body and was more or less surprised: His hair was white.

She sit next to the boy and tried to wake him up. Slowly, the boy opened his eyes and was trying to stand up, but then he immediately fell. The gravity was not the same here and nor was his pound. That's when he noticed the girl.


The girl had the feeling that this boy was someone very unique. She helped him stand up as she could see how he wasn't at his place: he had trouble standing up and seemed confused.

Nikostos: Erhm... Thank you for your help. What's your name?

The girl looked around and saw a bunch of sticks on the ground. She grabbed them all and used them to form letters. When she was finished, she wanted the boy to see.

Nikostos: Ami... *Sad look* thank you, Ami. I'm Nikostos.

Ami was asking herself why he was looking sad, then Nikostos looked at her in the eyes.

Nikostos: Oh, you're wondering why I'm like that? don't worry, it means I'm happy.

Ami grabbed the hand of Nikostos and dragged him into the beauty of her world. First, She took him near a tree with a lot of orange fruits. She shacked the tree and a fruit came down. She gave it to Nikostos. The boy ate into it and felt full of energy. The fruit was tasting like honey and felt like a raspberry.

Nikostos: Wow... *sad face* This is really good. However, I would like to give something too.

Nikostos checked in his pocket and found an apple. He gave it to Ami who crunched into it. She was shocked by the taste of the apple and her smile was shining. Ami then took him to a lot of different places, hoping to see Nikostos smile. She didn't understood the condition of Nikostos, but she'll have to understand it one day.

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