Chapter 4: Uncovered Memories

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It's been now 3 weeks since Nikostos got teleported to Teora. Since the ''incident'' that happened during the last training session between the human and Gwain, none of them spoke to each other. Nikostos was spending most of his time outside the castle fighting more robots from Luna. He also got help from his friends to protect the princess and Nikostos was able to fight back (most of the time) his mental condition, thanks to the guest in his head. The Prisoner was happy to see Nikostos growing stronger and braver. 

Around the kingdom, more and more people were talking about rumors concerning a strange warrior with white hair often called ''Little Clown''. Eventually, theories started flying all across the towns, wondering where the Little Clown may come from. Some think he's a hero, others think he's just a mysterious individual fighting for fun and there's the 3rd type of people...


Marlow: This guy is a threat! How can you still allow him to be in the college!?

Principal: The Queen clarified that he was working for her, so I had no choice.

Marlow: I can't believe he's doing one man shows for students when they have their break!

Principal: Listen Marlow... You're taking this story too seriously, so why don't you calm down? Go read a book to the library. In fact, you're not even on duty today.

Marlow groaned and leaved the Principal's room while making the cracking the floor as she walked.

Principal: Don't crack the floor!- Ugh... Why do she has to be so aggressive?...

Marlow was walking away until 5 seconds later, she bumped into someone, making both of them fall on the ground.

Marlow: Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going!

She quickly got back up and helped the other to stand. When they looked directly at each other, Marlow wasn't able to speak a word.

Nikostos:... What's the problem? Is there something in my teeth?

The bodyguard laughed as he saw Marlow getting away, angry to not be able to arrest him.

Nikostos: Why do I have the feeling that she doesn't like me?


The next day, Nikostos was entering his room, in the clocktower. His first day off ever since he was ''engaged''. There wasn't a lot of things in his room: A bed, a desk and a chest. Then, behind him came 7 men transporting stuff. Appeared with them Deva and Ami.

Deva: All right guys, put it right here. Oh hey, Nik! We bought this stuff for your house. Don't worry, Ami is Paying for everything. 

Ami approached Nikostos and gently pinched his cheek. Then, all the workers (who looked all the same) turned into 1 person.

Worker: Now that my job is finished, who's paying?

Deva: Put that on Gwain's note, she's paying for it.

The worker walked for the exit while Agni entered, struggling to transport a box.

Agni: Damn it, Nik! What kind of stuff do you even carry!?

Nikostos: Don't be overdramatic, it's just my old clothes.

Agni: What!? How can it be so heavy!?

Deva: Maybe it's you who's weak.

Just then, Ami noticed something moving behind the window. It suddenly disappeared, but Nikostos thought he saw something too.


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