Chapter 2: Queen

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As they entered the perimeter of the castle, it started raining. Nikostos was following Ami who knew where to go. However, Nikostos was observing the castle and his gorgeous beauty. Ami was trying to sneak while looking everywhere in case someone spotted them, but Nikostos was just following her around without saying anything.

At a moment, They walked next to a window. Nikostos looked in the reflection and saw that his hair was white. He suddenly got scared and smiled showing all teethes out.

Above them, a yellow haired woman was talking with 2 guards.

Guard 1: We searched everywhere, my Queen. There is still no sign of the princess.

???: Keep searching in the forest. She has to be somewhere.

Guard 2: Yes, my Queen.

The 2 guards jumped out of the rampart. The woman then heard Ami Shouting to a stranger. She saw the princess drag him to somewhere. The woman founded this very suspicious, and decided to follow them.


Ami finally made it to her room. Nikostos entered, not knowing how to deal with what happened today. He sat down on the ground and thought of what to do next. Then, someone was knocking at the door. Ami went to open, took a peek to see who it was and realized it was the yellow-haired woman. She immediately closed the door and grabbed the young man. She put it in the closet and make signs to tell him to remain silent. She then opened the door.

???:Ah, there you are, Ami. The whole castle is searching for you right now.

The woman entered the room and started to look around.

???: I came to see if it were really you that I saw outside the castle...

She then approached the closet.

???: And also... To ask 1 question...

She suddenly opened the closet and tossed Nikostos to the ground. She then maintained him to the ground.

??? : WHO ARE YOU!?

Nikostos tried his best not to be scared, otherwise he would laugh and be very suspicious.

Nikostos: I'm... just a friend!

The woman slowly turned her head to Ami. She knew something was fishy and didn't wanted to take any risk.

???:Is it true?

Ami nodded yes very fast. The woman then got back up helped the young man to stand.

???: Sorry 'bout that. Didn't wanted to risk the safety of the princess.

Nikostos was a bit shocked, but showed no sign of it. Ami? A princess?

Nikostos: No, it's me who should excuse myself. I followed her all the way back here.

The woman then turned to Ami. The princess felt like she's in trouble.

???:Ami... You better have a good reason to bring this boy here.

The woman then used an ability to read the mind of the princess. After a few seconds, the woman sighed.

???: So you found him unconscious, got attacked by a pack of wolves and he saved you?

The woman turned to Nikostos. She showed her hand as a sign of respect.

???: I barely know you, but thank you for saving my daughter. I'm Gwain, Queen of this kingdom.

Nikostos: I'm Nikostos, and I'm happy to meet you, Queen Gwain.

Nikostos shacked the hand of the Queen.

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