Chapter 8:♤нσмє, ѕωєєт нσмє♦

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(Five years later...)

All around Teora, every child's favorite story was the same. ''The Little Clown'' was a fairy tale based on rumors heard all around the kindgoms: A man wandering, helping people and solving conflicts for the greater good. However, on the other hand, every adult would either fear or be fascinated by him. 

The Little Clown was considered for the most part as a myth, but a fraction of people who said they had seen him were describing such unbelievable situations nobody took them seriously. Over the years, more and more rumors of his exploits started appearing, and a lot of Teorans started to gather information to find him, without any success.

A man in the beginning of his twenties was walking down a road, at the dawn of the day. He was wearing a black jacket with a hood on him, only showing his mouth and his chin. He had a gray shirt with holes in it, dark pants and a pair of boots. On his back, there was his backpack and on his belt, a blue scimitar at his right and a big knife on his left.

He arrived at the entrance of a city, one he didn't saw in a long time... He wandered, looking for similarities and differences. The town remained mostly the same, except for some upgraded houses. He stopped as he was in a familiar place... He looked around and saw a building right next to him: Gwainbucks. A smile could be saw on the man's face.

He entered, making a bell ring. There was a cute woman with brown hair behind the counter, not paying attention at him. The man examined her and noticed a few changes: She was a bit more taller than in his memories, her hair was formed in a more cute way and she seemed... different. The man sat at the counter, looking at her.

???: *clears throat*

Lanney: Oh, sorry! Didn't noticed there was someone. Welcome to Gwainbucks, what can I do for you?

The man didn't answer, as he kept his gaze on her. He finally looked at the menu over him.

???: Euhm... I'd like a... A hot coffee, please.

Lanney: Coming right up!

As Lanney was preparing the coffee, the man kept looking at her, fascinated by how years can change so many things in one person.

Lanney: There's your coffee. Enjoy!

The man grabbed the coffee and drank it in one shot. He exhaled and looked at the woman.

???: So... how is business doing, Lanney?

Lanney: Well... we make our way, I suppose-

Lanney froze in mid-sentence and looked directly at the hooded man. That voice sounded so familiar... plus, he said her name in the most natural way possible.

Lanney: Excuse me, but... Do I know you?

???: Let's say... you knew me, a while ago...

The man smiled and approached his hands towards his hood. He pulled it off slowly, revealing  his white hair and pure green eyes covered by a make-up so iconic among the storytellers and fans of rumors. Lanney practically screamed of surprise as a reaction, but after a closer look, she knew who she had in front of her. Her memory showed her a boy with white hair smiling, laughing... And he was now in front of her, after five long years.

Lanney: M-m-m-m-m-Mister Nik!? Is that you?!

Nikostos: Hi, Lanney. Long time no see, right? *small laugh*


Both of them were now walking towards the royal castle, at their rythm. They had all the time of the world.

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