Chapter 6: Tears of Blood

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It was an important date for Nikostos, today: He was seventeen. He was still wearing the make-up from the party, judging it symbolic. Looking back, he never would've thought to go this far. He had friends, a house/hideout, he didn't needed to worry about being financially in debt and he loved Marlow. Really, he couldn't dream of something better... Or at least he hoped to. There was still one thing he wanted to know: Where were his parents.

Even thought he is in another world and he shouldn't be thinking about it too much, since they would not be here, Nikostos started to question what his parents looked like. Were they loving him? Did they leave him so he could be safe? So many question for so few answers...


Gwain: You're off-duty for today, Nikostos.

Nikostos: What!?

Both of them were in the throne's room, while there was no one around. Gwain was becoming more and more patient with the human and, despite herself, less and less angry towards the Prisoner.

Gwain: It's your birthday, right? I thought you deserved a break.

Nikostos: Come on, Gwain. It's not a reason so I can take a bit of vacation.

Gwain: I'm technically your boss, you know. When I say you're off-duty, it means what it means, okay? 

Nikostos: Okay... But what do I do?

Gwain: You have friends, right? Have fun with them!

Nikostos thanked her and got out of the castle. As he was going to Lanney's bakery, the Prisoner spawned and walked with him.

Prisoner: Sorry if i'm showing the obvious, but Gwain appreciates you more than me. I'm actually surprised.

Nikostos: Yeah... And what about you? Do you appreciate her?

The Prisoner remained silent for a couple of minutes. He never really thought of that.

Prisoner: I definitely like the fact that she's as stubborn as me: She doesn't want to stay away from her principles... But I don't love her apart of that.

Nikostos: What, you love... excuse me, loved someone else?

Prisoner: *laugh* Yes, I mean, look at me! Who would not fall for me?... Instead, it was me who fell for someone: Vania.

Nikostos: Vania, huh?... This sounds familiar...

Prisoner: Oh, we find one like her once in a century. She's gorgeous, determined and most of all, she accepted me for who I was. It's not everyone who would marry a psycho like me!

They eventually ended up at Lanney's bakery. Nikostos opened the green door, a bell ringed and he entered. There was a few tables with chairs, and at one of them were sitting Nikostos's friends. They immediately saw him and waved him. The bodyguard sat next to Marlow, who smiled at him.

Deva: So, how're you doing, Nik? We heard the great news! How's it feeling to be seventeen?

Nikostos: It's good... Anyway, I'm off-duty, so what do y'all want to do?

Lanney: Well... Since it's your birthday, Mister Nik, what do you want to do?

Nikostos was about to answer when something interrupted him. It was coming from the outside, and it was loud. It sounded like a... train.

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