Chapter 5: Love & Roll

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It's been two entire months since Gwain warned Nikostos about the Prisoner. Ever since, the human didn't talk to the Prisoner, who didn't insisted either. He would just appear and observe what's going on. Nikostos kept training, but this time with Marlow.

Among all his friends, Marlow was the one he hung out the most with. At first, Nikostos figured that Marlow was trying to act nice to be sure she's apologized for spying on him. But after a couple of weeks, Nikostos found out she was just trying to get closer to him. But why would she be interested in him?


Marlow: Please, tell me more about you before you came here.

Both Nikostos and Marlow were sitting in the couch, alone, in the Human's clocktower. It was 10PM and there was a beautiful full moon outside. The window was opened and there was a radio playing relaxing ambiant music. Nikostos wasn't wearing his visor.

Nikostos: Well... I used to work hard to meet both ends. Didn't really had time for myself except at night. And When I DID had time, it was usually for reading. Some people would think this isn't a easy life, but life is like buildings: When things are simples, fewer mistakes are made...

Marlow: The most expensive part of a building is mistakes.

Nikostos looked at her with a surprised face. Such expression in front of her made Marlow giggled, making Nikostos even more surprised.

Marlow: Nik, I've read these words too, you know! You're quoting Ken Follett, the human author!

Nikostos: Wait... You've read Follett's books? How!?

Marlow: Humans occasionally fell here, through the years. And one day, a human came here, died and left behind him a collection of Ken Follett's books. I found them in the college's library and I've read all of them in three months!

Nikostos: Wow! That's a big coincidance, because these were my favorite books too! Without second thoughts, Pillars of the Earth was my favorite! Sometimes, I wished I could go back in time to be here, observing Kingsbridge's cathedral being builted!

Both of them laughed of this conversation. The Prisoner was watching them, a smirk on his face.

Nikostos: Ahh... It's good to talk with you, Marlow, but it's getting late. You should go home.

Nikostos stood up and went to the bathroom. He undressed himself and turned the faucet. The shower started, he putted shampoo on his hands, got into the shower and started to wash himself. He didn't took a shower in quite some time, and the feeling was godlike. 

After a quick clean up, he putted a dressing gown and was about to open the door, when he heard a music.

Nikostos turned towards the Prisoner, who spawned next to him.

Nikostos: Have I changed the radio station?

The Prisoner shrugged his shoulders. Nikostos opened the door and saw Marlow, standing in the middle of the room, looking at him.

Nikostos: Why are you still here, Marlow?

Marlow: Actually, I wanted to tell you something... Could you please come closer?

Nikostos approached her, not really expecting anything from happening. As he got close enough, Marlow grabbed his hands, taking him by surprise. Their gaze met each other.

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