Chapter 7: Free, at last...

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Gwain watched the clocktower fall. She knew it wouldn't be enough to kill him, but it should put him in bad shape, making everything easier. This time, she decided herself to be merciless... Just like he would have wished it. Just as she expected, coming from the destroyed building, came out Nikostos.

The human's visor was broken, so he got rid of it. He was bleeding from his head and his make-up started to run down his cheeks. He painfully walked down from the remains of the clocktower to gain the solid ground. He stretched his spine and looked at Gwain. The Queen instantly saw his glowing green eyes.

Gwain: I think I'm starting to know the routine... You really never miss one, don't you?

Prisoner: Hey, this time, it's PARTIALLY my fault... Nik acted by his own, I didn't even had the opportunity to... ''lend a hand''!

Gwain: STOP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT! You clearly have an influance on him, and not a good one. I'll do what must be done: Protect everything I care about!

Prisoner: Funny... I was about to say the same thing.

The Prisoner started to walk away of the clocktower and faced Gwain. They stared at each other, waiting for the other to act first.

Gwain: What do you mean by that last part?... Do you actually CARE about the boy?

Prisoner: Yes... And now, for probably the first time in my life, or should I say my afterlife, I'll do the right thing!

Gwain approached the Prisoner slowly, expecting a dirty move, but her prey did nothing. The Queen charged her palm with light energy, still no reaction.

Gwain: What're you waiting for?

Prisoner: For you to lower your hand. We don't need to do this.

Gwain: Why do you want to protect him exactly?

Prisoner: I love him. You know that feeling too, I'm sure of it. I love him the same way a parent love his child.

Gwain took a moment to process this sentence. That's when it hit her. Of course! There was so much in common with these two, and it could've been explained so easily! The Queen dashed at his opponent and hit him with her palm. A beam of light exploded on the Prisoner's torso, making him cough blood. He didn't fought back. Gwain then tried to punch him in the face, but he blocked her fist with his hand and pushed her away a bit.

Prisoner: Please, stop! Don't hurt him! I'm begging you!

Gwain: The same way I begged you to spare Mother!? In your dreams!


Guard: There he is! Stop him!

Gwain: Quick, he's running away!

Eight years ago, in the throne's room, the Prisoner covered in blood was dragging the Queen at the center of the hall. Gwain and her sister, Twain, and a dozen of guards were trying to stop the Human.

Twain: Stop right now! If it's money you want, how many!?

Prisoner: Oh, silly woman... It's not about winning a few bucks, it's about sending a message: DON'T FUCK WITH US, HUMANS!!! *Cackle*

And then, the weakened Queen looked at her daughters, knowing her destiny is coming for her.

Queen: Gwain... Twain... Everything will be fine. From now on, you'll have to continue the journey of life without me.

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