Chapter 3: Forgotten History

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Nikostos was on a train, the same train as always. There was nobody but him in it. Of course it was a dream, he could feel it, but he couldn't bring himself to wake up. Suddenly, the train stopped. The doors opened and a man came on board. He looked directly at Nikostos and sat right in front of him. The man looked like he was in his forties, had white hair, green eyes and was wearing  clothes. He smiled intensely while staring at the boy.

???: HI...

Nikostos: What do you want?

???: Just tell you that I'm impressed. How long have you been surviving out there? 3 days?

Nikostos: 5.

???: So far, so good. You might wonder why I'm in your dream right now. I too don't know very much why. I guess it's fate!

The man started laughing. Nikostos felt that man wasn't very okay in the head, kind of like him. The man calmed down very easily.

???: Anyway, the queen has reasons to be scared of you, but not as much as me. I'M the reason she hates humans.

Nikostos: Wait, you arrived here too?

???: 8 years ahead of you, kiddo!

Nikostos suddenly became curious. First of all, this man was a complete stranger, and he apparently knew he was in the boy's head.

???: Listen: I somehow ended in your head, so I think it's because there's a connection between us. I know that you have a condition similar to mine. I can help you control it.

Nikostos raised an ear. Does this man was telling the truth? Could he help him?

Nikostos: Tell me how!

???: Okay. First of all, think it's normal that you laugh when you find something funny. Then, think it's normal that you smile & laugh more often. That way, you're more happy and you look more happy! It might be hard at first, but you'll get use to it.

Nikostos: OK, but... How do you know it can work?

The man busted into laughter. Then, after 3 seconds, he wore a dark expression on his face.

???: Ever since I've done this, I've laughed everyday till I died of laughter.

The man then stood up, making a movement with his neck, creating a cracking sound.

???: Anyway, today will be a great day! You'll train with Gwain, so try your best. You should wake up.

Nikostos: Wait! I've still got 1 question: Why does Gwain hate you?

???: ...Fine. I'll give you a hint.

The man put his 2 hands on his head: 1 on top and 1 on the chin. He then laughed and...


Nikostos woke up, breathing at great speed, covered in sweat. He was in his bed, warmed up by the sunlight. It was 10 AM on the watch and Ami happened to enter the room. She then approached him, wondering why he was apparently shocked.

Nikostos: It's okay... Just a bad dream.

Ami cuddled him, which comforted Nikostos. The human put his visor on, then they took their breakfast together.


On the terrace, Gwain was in her training suit, waiting for the human and the princess.

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