The Talk and The Night Alone

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The Talk and The Night Alone

Art of the Swoon - Part II


    "Are you sure Daph, you do actually look a bit peaked. Mama." I say, calling over our mother. She steps up to us. "I think you should take Daphne home, she does not look well."
    "Yes, dearest. I believe you are right. Your Highness, would you mind accompanying us to the carriage?" Mama asks. ...

    He smiles back placing a hand on the small of my back, and leans down to whisper in my ear. "You would be a wonderful mother," he tells me. I look up at him, connecting our gazes, and my heart pounding.

"Shall we go back to the painting of your mother's?" I ask breathlessly. He nods and we leave the room.


        These days, the modern young lady must display a miscellany of talents in her quest for a suitor. She must be a witty conversationalist, an accomplished musician, and an expert in the art of the swoon.

        For managing to faint with nary a petticoat out of place is a most coveted talent indeed. Of course, not everyone has fallen victim the royal fever sweeping the through London Town. One jade stone in particular seems quite immune, making this author wonder if the crown has lost its luster.

    I am sitting in the drawing room with with Daphne and Eloise, who is reading, or trying to read. I am sitting at the pianoforte, playing and trying to get these repetitive thoughts out of my head and onto a music sheet, and of course they are all about Simon. I truly have become a love sick puppy. Daphne, much recovered from her fevered state a couple of nights ago, is to promenade with the prince in the park later today, so she is sitting doing needle point while she waits.

    "Oh! Enough! I beg of you!" Eloise pleads, as she drops her book in her lap and looks at me. I do not turn toward her nor do I stop.

    "Well, perhaps you should join her, Eloise," Daphne suggests. "You will need to be proficient on the pianoforte soon enough. You could use the practice, I'm sure," Daphne said deftly, going back to her needle point.

    "On second though, continue, El," she said to me, then turns back to Daphne. "She will frighten away the duke, the prince, and any other eligible suitor clear across the North Sea." Going back to her book once she was finished.

    I continue to ignore them and play as there conversation continues. That is until Eloise asks a question that catches my attention. "Is it an original?" She asks. I stop playing and turn to her.

    "Are you asking me?"

    She nods, "You are the only one playing currently, the song, is it your own?" She asks, looking at me.

    "Yes, in a manner of speaking," I say softly.

    "Well then, what is the name of it?"

    "It does not have a name, yet," I say turning back to the instrument before me.

    "Okay, if you need to practice, then do so, just come up with a name for it at least," she says turning her attention back on her book. I smile and begin playing again.


    Simon and I decided to join Daphne and her prince in the park on a promenade. We are far behind them, Mama being the one chaperoning them and Lady Danbury chaperoning Simon and I. Though it is safe to say she is not really doing much in the way of making sure we keep our hands off each other. I laugh as Simon tells me of Anthony's retaliation to him putting a pig in Anthony's dorm. "So, Anthony Bridgerton..." Simon hums, playful smile on his lips. "The serious man that he is, in retaliation, let a heifer into your dormitory?" Simon laughs. "Why ever do you both put up with such pranks?"

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