The Fair and The Books

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The Fair and The Books

Swish - Part II


   Simon lifts a hand and brushes it across my face, and when he pulled back it was wet with tears. "I did not even realize I was crying." I flush, a breathless laugh escaping my lips. "I want her to be real, Simon. I want us to have that."

    "She will be, we will make it so," he tells me firmly, rolling us over so I am the one laying on him. He pulls me tight to him. "We will have that, our own little family..." My eyes close as I rest on him, my head on his chest. "Sleep for now, my Love. I will wake you when the rain stops.


There hadn't been a day where Simon and I weren't touching each other when we were together. Whether that be intimately when we are alone, or just barely chaste when we were in public eye. So far his bed is not the only place he's had me, although it is his most favorite spot to hold me captive before the day begins. A picnic on the grounds— far from the view of the servants, in the study atop the bookcase ladder.

Suffice to say I was shocked the first time he buried his face between my thighs. Do not get me wrong, I have read books, but experiencing such a pleasure is a far cry from reading it in an erotic novel. Before, it had no appeal. That is the place where womanly flows and babies bare from, I figure any woman, no matter what station in life they may come from, would be hard pressed to find a man who would appreciate her most intimate parts the way Simon does mine.

We are currently lying on the floor of his personal study, our limbs tangled together. "Will it always be like this?" I suddenly ask, pushing up onto my hand to look at him, my other placed light against his abdomen. His brows furrow, and a giggle rises from my throat. "Will it always be so intense and heated?"

His voice is rough when he answers, rousing a new burst of warmth within me. "No, I don't suppose it always will be. Sometimes I might want to bring to the heights of pleasure slowly, only to deny you the release you want, the release you need," he whispers, pulling me down onto him. My breath catches as he captures my lips in a searing kiss. "And do it again and again, until you can no longer take and beg for me to let you fall over the edge."

"Again, Your Grace?" I ask in whisper against is lips. My skin tingling in every part where our bodies are touching. He only answers with a searing kiss.


Vera is with me in the duchess' chambers. I am sitting at the vanity picking at my nails, trapped within my thoughts, while she brushes my hair. A sharp pain shoots through my scalp as the brush snags a knot. Letting out an undignified yelp, my hand flys to the root of the pain and massages it away. "Apologies, Your Grace," she tells me through the mirror. I look up at her to see a small, secret smile gracing her lips.

"Well..." I start, unsure of what to say. "Our efforts are quite," I clear my throat, cheeks heating at the images flashing through my mind. "...spirited." I look back up at her as she continues to brush my hair and see her smile grow into a sly grin. "I will admit," I take a deep breath before continuing, trying to control the feeling coursing though me and down. "I am sure you know this of me already, learned from training with Poppy before she moved to a less extensive position, but I've read certain novels..."

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