The Homecoming and The Queen's Luncheon

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The Homecoming and The Queen's Luncheon

Oceans Apart - Part I


Simon and I are cuddled together, relaxing in each other's warm embrace after our morning actives. "I think I'm with child..." I say suddenly, softly. I do not see his smile, but I feel it on my head as he kisses it. He pulls me tighter to him as we continue to lie there, just basking in each other.


    Simon and I woke up together, ate breakfast together, and after we adjourned to the sun room, where I began to play on the pianoforte. It was an upbeat composition that my fingers drafted, allowing for a happy atmosphere to settle over the room.

    Simon soon stood from his seat and sat next to me, beginning to play the harmony. I turned my head ever so slightly to him and smiled.


    We've settled for dinner now, talking animatedly about the village and events that are to take place in the next few months after the season's ended. I suddenly stand, an intense wave of nausea washing over me. "Excuse me a moment." With that I quickly rush to a washroom and empty the contents of my stomach. I feel a hand rubbing against my back.

    It's Simon. "You should not be seeing me like this."

    "I do not care what you look like. I care about your health."

    Shaking my head and stand, with his help. "I will be fine so long as you fetch Vera for me. She will be able to help."

    "Of course love."

    "Thank you, Simon." He places a kiss on my cheek before leaving. "I shall be in our chambers." Making my way to Simon's chambers. I stumble a bit, but use the walls to support me. Once I make it I start undressing. The door opens to reveal Simon and Vera. "Ah, you're here, great. Could you fetch me some ginger and water please, Vera?"

    "Of course, Your Grace, but perhaps you should see this first. The latest Whistledown has just arrived, and well..." she hesitates. "See or yourself." I grab the papers from her and skim through. My eyes catch my brothers name and dread fills me.

    I quickly look up to Vera. "We must pack at once." She nods and leaves to begin doing so.

    "Elena, what is it?" Simon asks, concern masking his features.

    "Colin has been embroiled in a scandal. It seems I was right to be wary of Miss Thompson. She is pregnant, has been since the beginning of the season."

    "What does this have to do with your brother?"

    "He had plans to marry her, they got engaged at our wedding reception. That's where I left to for those few moments."

    He paced over to me, taking my hands. "I see. I shall accompany you then."

    I pulled my hands away from his, my voice full of mirth, "Of course you will... Who else will I do in my free time?" I finish, my arms wrapping around his neck. I smile up at him as his arms come around to my waist.

    "You cheeky bint," he whispered before pulling me closer and planting a kiss on my lips. "I shall prepare our largest carriage, for we shall require the room." I laugh and begin preparing for the next days travel.


        Miss Marina Thompson's recent fall from Grace continues to echo rough every drawing room in town, days after it was revealed her engagement to Colin Bridgerton was nothing more than a sham.

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