Chapter 1: The Past

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No One Pov:

Kai remember it like it was yesterday. His snake father being taken away from him as kai scream and yell trying to get to him.

Then his mother leaving him in a box full of important memories before pushing him in the river as she was killed.

Kai still get nightmares of that day even though he doesn't remember a lot of it.

He was taken in by Ray and Maya who at first was really kind and good with him but when nya was born ray started to abuse him to the point that kai started getting depressed but when they disappear it was up to kai to protect nya at all cause no matter what happens even if it left kai stealing, dancing for others, creating crime, and even more.

Now Kai was not happy with that life span as it probably show the worse in kai at the time.

It got to the point that kai was using his own snake venom just to protect himself as well as nya.

When kai was able to get the black smithing business back he kinda shutdown all of his crime activity and started selling weapons as a living.

He would normally just sell swords but he had sell a few other weapons making him really good at weapon crafting until well Wu found him.

He still remember the days he met the ninja and save his sister from harm away. He remembers all of it and still laugh at it today.

What he wasn't expecting was to see his father again even though he didn't know that was his father at the beginning but when he open that box that was holding a lot of photos of him and his mother he couldn't help but cry.

He wanted to see his father again sure but he didn't want to be his emeny as he is the last true family member alive.

He wonders if pythor knows that he is his son or just have a feeling but kai just wishes that things were back the way they were before those cruel scientists came and took it all away from him

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