Chapter 15: The Tournament Fight

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Kai Pov:

When the next day role around I was still in coles arms I turn to see sensei Garmadon looking at me with a smirk.

Kai- Ok laugh it up I know how this looks and I really don't care right now.

Garmadon- Well I'm going to go get some food see you guys when you get down

*Garmadon Left*

I turn around to where cole was sleeping and started messing with his hair and face until he woke up.

Cole- Wha?

Kai- Cole come on lets go get some breakfast I wonder if we will be down there before the others

Cole- Oh its on

When we got there we were one of the first few people there and we had started to eat.

That is when are friends had started to join us.

Jay- Really guys? Didn't wait for us?

Kai- What I was hungry and you guys were taking forever.

Jay- Well maybe I would of come here on time if one of the ninja weren't here to steal my girlfriend

Cole- I didn't steal her and I don't even like her that way

Jay- Sure you don't

Lloyd- Look you guys shouldn't let your grudge get to you

Cole- Grudge what grudge I don't have any

Jay- Ya right I drop it first

Kai- Enough both of you we have more important things to do and besides I believe Cole when he said he doesn't have crush on her ok. If you two don't drop it then I will be taking nya away from you two

Jay- No don't do that

Kai- I will.

That is when the Microphone came on saying the masters of speed, smoke, gravity, mind, nature, and fire.

I look at cole and gave him a nod before leaving.

*Time Skip*

I was force to fight the master of smoke while trying to get the Jade blade.

The first person who went up was Griffin Turner the master of speed and Gravis the master of gravity. The one who one that fight was the master of speed

The second person who went up was Neuro the master of the mind and Bolobo the master of nature. The master of the mind won that fight

The third person that went up was me the master of fire and Ash the master of smoke. I was able to with that fight but now I feel horrible about it since I know there faith.

When we went to the board we saw that jay and Cole have to fight which anger me. Why must he do that I don't want to loose anyone from my team but it seem that they don't care.

Cole and Jay started fighting again which made me upset. Why are they acting like children right now

Kai- Enough both of you. You guys have to fight each other but there might be another way to win this.

Garmadon- Sadly there nothing that can be done Kai I'm sorry they have to be peace with this

Jay- Peace!? one of us have to loose and its most likely me

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