Chapter 7: He Knows Now

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Cole Pov:

Next morning roles around as I heard a loud bang down stares.

I didn't want to get our of bed as I feel comfortable and safe.

That is when I heard mumbling and feel my chest to lower parts of my body being squeeze. As I open my eyes I realize I wasn't in my room but kai's and we were cuddling each other.

Kai was still in his Anacondrai form and was making it hard for me to move without him waking up.

That is when I heard a knock at the door and then a voice coming threw it.

Garmadon- Kai you awake I need to talk to you

When kai didn't respond he knock again but this time louder which woke kai up.

Garmadon- Kai?

Kai- Ya?

Garmadon- I need to talk to you about your snake problem if that ok with you

Kai- No its fine just let me fully wake up first pls

And that is when Garmadon left the room. I felt kai move a little before he cuddle up to me again as he was about to go to sleep again.

Cole- Kai you need to get up

Kai- Huh!?

With that kai got up fast but in doing so he squeeze me even more like a snake would if they just trap there favorite food

Kai- Cole what are you doing here?

Cole- You didn't want me to leave remember so I stay the night but you kinda rap your whole snake half around my chest to my legs making me not able to move

Kai- Oh my gosh I am so sorry

As soon as he said that he release me which made me have the time to stretch.

I turn to see kai face all red as he turn back to his human form. I still can't believe my crush is an Anacondrai hybrid which made me think on looking stuff up on these kind of things

Kai- Welp I guess we should go get some food

Cole- Ya we should

As soon as we walk out of the room together though Garmadon was waiting in the halls

Garmadon- Oh good morning cole. The others were asking about you but they couldn't find you anywhere

Cole- Oh umm ya well I should go and umm check on them

But right before I went to go kai grab my arm and squeeze it.

Cole- Kai you don't have to worry about it ok I promise you that I won't tell so you don't need to worry

Kai Look at me before nodding and letting me go as I went to join the others

Kai Pov:

Garmadon- So he knows?

Kai- Yes he found out when he found my family photo under my pillow. I should of hide it somewhere else but its to late now

Garmadon- Well I'm glad you did because now you have another person to turn to if things get messy

Kai- I guess your right but what did you want to talk to me about

Garmadon- Well I want to know if you know what happen during the great serpentine war and what went down in it?

Kai- Yes I know what happen. When I found out I was part of the serpentine in a way I try my best to learn how much I could about the war and all

Garmadon- Great because I have some things to tell you about the great serpentine war.

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