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[2 years later]


[The following are journal entries penned by Crown Prince - Roman A. Du Mont]


24th June 18xx

Along with father, I accompanied Damian on his first hunt today. He is surprisingly extremely skilled with the bow, however, I did not make mention of this to him.

Father, though, was openly impressed and grandly made promises of rewarding him at his 'Crowning ceremony'.



31st August 18xx

At Damian's Crowning ceremony*, father gifted him, in the presence of all the ministers and invited nobles, and clansmen - a great long sword. Made of black iron. It was truly magnificent.

I begrudgingly congratulated him. And I admit that I was and still am jealous of him for receiving such a thing. And the manner in which he did. But I also felt another feeling that evening. It was quite strange, and it was lodged in my chest. Warm and nagging at my insides.

Perhaps I drank too much wine that evening


*Crowning ceremony - For the Royals of the Southern Kingdom, this is whereby upon coming of age, at having only just 10 years, a Prince or a Princess is presented to the nobility and gentry at a special ball. Held usually in the month of August, when the weather is fair, it is then, the young royal is fully recognised and addressed by their title accordingly.


Xxth October 18xx

As part of father's overall plan, we attacked one of the Empire's villages soon after sundown on xxth October. It was one of the longest raids that I've been on. Father left me in charge of carrying it out.

This village was by far one of the largest ones we've attacked, therefore, I was careful and quite mindful to execute the plan effectively.

I felt proud, knowing that father entrusted me to get it done and done correctly.

Damian was placed into my care - under my command. And it was his first raid as an official Prince. I often forget that he is only 10 years of age and that he still has much to learn.

On the battlefield- (as I keenly observed) he oftentimes would either fail to or become hesitant in swiftly dispatching the villagers which he encountered. One such moment angered me greatly.

Therefore, I did what I had to. And in cases where he hesitated, I killed them myself.

Of course, I reported his behaviour to father ahead of our return home. I will notify Damian of such before we break camp.



Xxrd October 18xx

If I could've, I would've killed him - right then and there. He dares to question my loyalty? Accusing me of blindly following orders. Can he not see the responsibilities of which I'm required to bear?

He has absolutely no idea. No idea of the expectations placed on me- resting on my shoulders - Everyday! And dares to accuse me of being fearful. Afraid of losing face, and that I live for no other reason but to please father.

Does he truly understand how our family is perceived by those vipers? One wrong move and it reflects poorly on our father. Is that what he wants? 

How I restrained my wrath towards him- he also has no idea.


Father agreed with me. Direct orders were not adhered to. Damian was punished. He received 30 lashes the very evening upon which we returned.

Though he intensely hates me for what I did, I solely did it for his own benefit. He would not see this now, but maybe in the future, he shall.



16th March 18xx

Damian knew that I would never apologise and he should never expect me to ever do so. Therefore, he came, albeit many months later, to speak with me about his behaviour during the raid.

I was in my study today, preoccupied with my current research, so I listened as he tried to apologise. But he took offence to me for not looking at him as he did. I then gave him my full attention.

He lacks discipline and he needs to remember his place before ever questioning me again.

I often wonder if father should be told entirely of his treasonous speech and behaviour.


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