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[Damian's recount cont'd - 4 years ago]

Damian: When I entered brother's tent- he was simply sitting there- straight ahead of me- having tea no less, and perusing over a map. He told me to


-- Sit!


He sounded so much like father, that I had to look at him again before sitting. And as soon as I did, he stated quite plainly


Roman: I already sent word to father about your earlier behaviour during the raid

Damian: My behaviour?

Roman: You disobeyed my direct orders.

Damian: ...

Roman: You do know what results for doing so? I am sure you are aware- are you not Damian?

Damian: I am

Roman: Good. Expect such, when we return home. That is all. You're dismissed.


I was going to leave, but something held me to my seat. I don't know what it was and instead I said...


Damian: No.

Roman: ...

Damian: I'm not leaving. Aren't you even going to ask why I did it?

Roman: Why you behaved the way you did last evening, is quite clear. Father may have given you that sword and think that you're a man now. However, from what I can see, you're clearly not

Damian: And you are?! You consider yourself to be a man?! Because why? Because you killed those villagers?! - Heh! My behaviour? You find fault in my behaviour? Trust me, I am not the problem!

Roman: ...Are you done?

Damian: Why can't you see that father is only controlling us, using us, using you for his own gain?! Aren't you tired of it? Instead, you just blindly follow his orders- not once questioning him. Why? Are you afraid?!

Roman: What?

Damian: Are you afraid of losing face? Precious Crown Prince Roman who can do no wrong? So, instead you snitch on me?

Roman: I did what I had to-

Damian: NO! The only reason you do what you do - Is to please father! You live for no other reason but to be the good and precious Crown Prince in father's eyes.

(He slammed the desk in front of him and stood. Damian was standing too, however, he was unsure of when he did.)

Roman: Is that what you think?! You have absolutely no idea!! NONE!! ME, Damian! I have to set an example for you two! You cannot even fathom the pressures I face - EVERYDAY!

And you dare to stand there and accuse me of blindly following father? Let me ask you this- Where does your loyalty lie?! You insubordinate dog! You should be hanged and quartered for treason!! No..Instead, I was lenient on you and your pathetic behaviour!

Damian: Lenient!? You don't know the meaning of the word! Where was the leniency for those people out there?

Roman: -Heh!- Why show any towards them?!

Damian: Why not? What wrong have they done towards us?

Roman: Is that what you want?! Have me listen to you instead?!

(Roman had made his way down to his brother and now stood directly in front of him)

Roman: To find them, fight them and not kill them? They would not do the same for us. Now get out of my sight Damian, because I will kill you.



Alex: ...

Damian: When we arrived home, before I even dismounted, father had his men waiting to escort me to him. I remember - heh! - I remember, glancing over to brother. And do you know the look I saw on his face as he watched me being taken to father? He was smiling! -Almost beaming! - as if he was proud of himself and the situation he placed me in.

Right then and there, I decided.

I decided to hate him forever.


Damian: So, anyways, before I was sent to the shed, where I received some thirty lashes, father scolded me- he yelled and screamed and threw things about. And I simply stood there as he spat insults at my face - I shall spare you the recount of his words. All the while, I thought about how much I hated brother, hated father and how much I hated myself.

Months passed that way, and I could not bring myself to speak cordially to either of them. Brother and I would have many, many smaller arguments. So much so, that father became frustrated with both of us and had me removed from being under brother's command and instead had me be responsible for my own regiment. And instead of the raids, I was placed on border patrols.

And as my birth month approached, mother requested to have me visit her -a number of times she did- before I finally gave in and decided to go. She was very aware that things weren't the same between brother and I. In all honesty, I admit, I did not wish to hear what mother had to say on the matter- but still, I listened ...

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