ACT 1 ~
Alexander; a young prince of the Southern Kingdom, the youngest and often compared to his older brothers because of his failings. With the annual hunt close at hand and having come of age to participate, he finds himself having to disprove t...
Meanwhile, the Southern King, upon failing to locate Alex either in his quarters or the entire wing of the large Castle, had his men feverishly search the Castle and its grounds for his useless son.
However, after furiously screaming insults and frightening and battering the attendants and servants, he eventually came to the obvious conclusion of where Alexander was; thus he immediately stormed off to his Queen's palace.
He arrived unannounced. Startling the defenceless help. No one dared to stand in his way or look him in the eye.
Without warning, the double doors were flung open, frightening her ladies and alarming Alex.
The King became further incensed upon seeing his son and headed straight for the two.
His mother, the Queen, however, seemed unperturbed and spoke calmly as she stood to address her husband; instinctively ensuring that she stood between the approaching danger and her child
Southern Queen: Good evening my love.
Southern King: Look at you...hiding! EVERYONE LEAVE!! NOW!!
No one hesitated and immediately departed the room, leaving the three together behind closed doors.
Southern King: ALEXANDER! Here! NOW!
He spoke through clenched teeth and glared intensely at his son.
Alex felt his legs begin to move on their own despite his mind telling him not to but he also felt the gentleness of his mother's hand resting on his shoulder. Immediately, he stopped walking.
Southern Queen: Valentin*, please. Alex simply visited briefly to speak with me. Our son would never hide-
*((w/n: pronounced - Vah-len-teen))
Southern King Valentin:'Our'? This bastard?! I let you have this one and this-THIS IS HOW HE TURNED OUT?! COMPLETELY USELESS! INCOMPETENT! Look at him. Pathetic! Cowering in fear behind you.
Southern Queen: My love...please. Leave him be till your anger subsides. Alex should remain here in the meanwhile. You can have your servants come for him in the morning.
King Valentin: And you! Never failing to coddle the boy! That is why he's turned out to be a disappointment. He's a man now!
Queen Marie: ...
King Valentin: You have raised him to be weak. Of what use is he to me now?! All my efforts wasted on him! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! HAND HIM OVER THIS INSTANT MARIE!
Queen Marie: ...No, Valentin.
King Valentin: no?
She gave no reply and made no movements with regards to his stern request.
Instead, they both silently stared at each other.
Alex caught sight of the faintest twitch of his father's eye and observed the colour shooting towards his face. He suddenly felt the squirming in his stomach grow cold and he shuddered.
He flinched. It was without warning. Sharp and firm. He saw his mother slam into the piano, right before he tightly shut his eyes. Alex then felt his arm being pulled and twisted as he was dragged towards the doors.
Eyes swimming in tears, he saw his mother slumped upon the floor; barely moving.
Alex: Mother?
His son firmly in hand, the King burst through the doors and into the wide hallway. Instantly, the servants gathered there, all hushed and attempted to make themselves small.
For his mother, Alex continued to desperately call. All the while, glancing behind and struggling in vain to be free from his father's grip.
She neither heard her son screaming for her nor the worried exclamations of her ladies as they rushed in. Heard only, a loud, constant, shrilling noise and a burning sensation on the side of her face; throbbing in pain.
To lift herself, she gripped the edge of the piano. Immediately the Queen slumped back down as pain shot through her, causing her to give an involuntary sharp gasp.
It gripped her insides as though a hand reached within her, squeezing and twisting everything.
Queen Marie:-Ungh!
Hunched over; she now embraced herself, clutching at her stomach.
By the arm, one of the ladies then soundly took hold of the Queen and said
Lady in waiting #4: Your Majesty. Let me help you
Gloriam: Slowly now
Lady in waiting #3: Wait, what's tha-
Lady in waiting #2:-GASP!!-
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