ACT 1 ~
Alexander; a young prince of the Southern Kingdom, the youngest and often compared to his older brothers because of his failings. With the annual hunt close at hand and having come of age to participate, he finds himself having to disprove t...
Alex: Brother, if you -huff- you would only tell me...then maybe-
Roman: If I always correct you, then how would you- You know what? Fine!
The morning's training had admittedly taken a toll on Roman's patience. Incensed by his brother's poor performance in sparring against him, he began to rattle off the faults he found.
He tapped his brother's leg with the flat of his long sword and said
Roman: Feetwork. Poor! Too heavy. You need to be quick and light. Your arms and grip, too tight! Loosen up. Hands- be light but firm. Allows for an effortless swing but with power. Don't you understand?
Alex: I do. But the sword's so heavy - How can I-?
He dared not continue his complaint as Roman now silently glared at him
Alex: s-Sorry. I promise that I won't make anymore excuses
Roman: Good! Let's go again
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Allowed to take a brief break for some water, Alex sat on a low wooden stool completely exhausted. And knowing that he still had the rest of the day to go, he sighed
Roman: Why are you sighing? Isn't this what you wanted? I told you already, do not make me waste my time.
Alex: I didn't mean to- I'm just a little tired...
{...and hungry}
Roman stared unblinkingly at his brother for a moment, before asking
Roman: Why did you ask me to train you then? Obviously, you would've known that I wouldn't go easy on you
Alex: Uhm, I did and actually...I hesitated to ask. I didn't think that you would agree to it. I hoped that you would... but-
Roman: ...
Alex: uhm..Well, I asked because...I thought maybe if I became better, stronger,... braver, then perhaps I can help protect those who are...weak
Roman: And do you see yourself becoming that way?
Alex: I can try. m-Mother always says that a Prince should be a shining example of bravery, kindness and selflessness- Always willing to help. I- I used to think ...that maybe, I could assist through medicine. Helping persons who were sick and injured but then...
Roman: Something to further consider, Alexander...Curing persons of their ailments and their injuries comes after they become sick and helpless.
Would it not be, better, to protect and defend them ahead of the seen and unseen dangers; thus preventing injury and death? Would it not be better, to serve and save our own this way instead? Why wait for war and suffering to come to you? There are flaws in your way of thinking.
Alex: ...
Roman: When you fully abandon your former way of shall indeed achieve what you've set out to become
Alex: ...
10th August 18xx
2nd day of Training
I was mindful to use malice in my words as I spoke to Damian last evening. For training Alexander is not a jesting matter. I do not care how he perceived my words.
This seemed to have worked, for he did not interrupt us today.
Today, the second day, was filled with excuses and complaints - I grow weary of it. I'm not currently satisfied with his level of skill; his improvement may take longer than I estimated. More time- of which we do not have.
However, today also provided me with insight as to why he wants to train. Alexander openly shared his inner thoughts with me. I cannot recall a time when we simply conversed as brothers. It was quite- different. And though our ideals are too, at this moment, different- we both at heart, wish to serve the kingdom and its people well.
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