Chapter 12

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The next few days were the same. We messed around and got cuddly and stuff. New Years came and couples kissed at the at the stroke of 12. Luke and I shared a few kisses of our own and so did Ash and Iliana.
Two days later
"HAPPY B-!" I quickly ran to Iliana and covered her mouth to keep her from announcing my birthday. Mumbles were coming from her until she licked my hand and made me take it away from her face. "Iliana!"
"Why'd you cover my freaking mouth with your dirty hand? Who knows where it's been." She said winking.
"Why'd you like my hand with your filthy tongue? Who knows where that's been." I said mocking her wink.
Iliana pushes me and says, "You're gross."
"You're the one who said it first!" I said pushing her back. "Haha... Are the boys still asleep?"
She shrugs. "I don't creep on them Leslie. And I'm thinking they are cuz there hasn't been any noise."
"Ha okay imma go check." I walk to the living room and find the boys crashed out on the couches and Mikey on the floor. They had been playing video games all night. The pizza they ordered was gone, so the only remaining thing was the box. I hear a shifting movement and look to the boys. Mikey was awake and had the face of pain. "Are you okay?" I whispered? He shakes his head and lets out a giggle. I help him get up from the floor and walk him to my bed. He lets out a groan while he tries sitting on my bed. His hair was a mess and his clothes were as well. "Did you guys have a really quiet party or something while I was sleeping?" I joked.
"Haha nope we were just playing video games and eating pizza." He chuckles but he stops quickly due to the pain.
"What's wrong?"
"My back hurts. Sleeping on the floor isn't a good idea." I laugh and tell him to lay down. "Nah it's okay, it'll get better in a bit."
"Mikey, it's fine. You can lay down on my bed."
"Luke-" He stops himself from finishing the sentence.
"Luke what?" I get nervous and feel myself turning red.
"Huh? Did I say Luke? I meant look. As in look at the poster of us. We look like dorks."
"No you said Luke and stopped. What about Luke? C'mon Mikey just tell me. Pleeeaaassseeee?"
"Alright fine... I think he thinks we have a thing for each other."
"He thinks I like you and you like me."
"Well I do, but as a friend, not the way I like Luke."
"I know, but... I don't know. He's the jealous type and he doesn't want to lose you."
"He's not going to."
"Just take care of him alright? Don't break his heart. He's one of those guys who care too much. And once you do something to make him question your love for him, he'll think he lost you and he'll leave and try to make himself forget about you."
I nod and look play with my fingers. I have that habit when I'm nervous. "I'll never do anything to hurt him. I love him."
"I know you do, but he doesn't. He's really insecure and doesn't know when it's the right time to love. I've never seen him like this. He is in love with you."
"Thanks Michael."
"No problem." I sit by him hug him.
"Seriously? What the hell man!" I look to the doorway and see sleepy eyed Luke.
"What're you-"
"Shut up Michael! You know how much I cared about her and you do this!?"
"What? No Luke we weren't"
"Stop. I'm leaving. I don't wanna be here anymore. Have fun and Leslie, we're done." He storms out of the room.
I run after him."Luke! Stop! Please we weren't doing anything!" My sobs keep me from running any longer. I hear the engine of his car and he speeds away. I drop down to the floor and cry. Mikey comes up from behind me and helps me get up. But I didn't want to get up. I wanted to lie there in the cold with nothing to warm me. Hoping to freeze to death. My sobs make some neighbors look out of their windows to me. Mikey put his scarf around his face so he would not get noticed.
"C'mon Leslie let's go inside." Michael says holding me. Ashton, Iliana and Calum were watching me from inside. Michael carries me up and walks me inside. "Stop crying, it'll be okay."
"What happened?" Ash said. I couldn't speak. My mouth was only letting out sounds of sobs. Michael shook his head and walked me to my room. He put me down on my bed and I got my pillow and curled up into a crying ball.
Michael patted my back and held my shoulder. "You'll be okay. We know we didn't do anything, so we just have to talk to him."
"We don't even know where he went..." I say through sobs.
"I'll ask the guys to text him or soemthing. Just stop crying Leslie. He's gonna come back."
"What if he doesn't? What if he doesn't believe us Michael? What if-"
"Stop with the What If's. He is going to come back. You two will be together again. Just keep your mind away from the negative side of this." I nod. "Take how much time you need to get this out of your system." He wiped one of my tears with his thumb. "You'll be okay." He got up and shared a smile. He walked out the room and left me to cry out all the tears I had left.
Iliana walked in and sat by me. "Hey, Michael told us what happened... I'm sorry."
"Ugh don't talk about it. I just want to forget it. I don't want to think anymore. I don't want to remember."
"I guess you could say you wish you could wake up with amnesia." I look at Iliana and give her a look. "I'm sorry haha, but don't worry, it'll be okay." She gets up and leaves. I can hear her talking to the boys about me. "Her eyes are bloodshot red and puffy. She's crying her eyes out guys... We can't tell her about her mom. "
Calum speaks up."Yea. Man I can't believe a plane crash that big. And now Leslie has no dad or mom? We have to care for her." Nothing could help my right now. I felt nothing now. I couldn't feel anything. I wanted to feel something. I needed to feel something. I got up from my bed and looked in my drawer. I found my stack of razor blades. I hadn't used them in a while.
"Guys imma shower." I yell. I hear footsteps coming toward me and I quickly put the razors away in my pocket and go toward my closet to pretend I was looking for clothes.
"Are you okay now?" Ash says coming toward me.
"No, but I can't do anything about it." I grab some clothes and a towel and walk into the bathroom. I turn on the shower to make some noise. I pull out the razor blades and look at them for a while. I remember if I cut vertically, I could die. I could be with my parents and forget about Luke. I put the blade on my skin and cut vertical. My vision got blurry. I felt dizzy. Then, everything turned pitch black.

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