Chapter 34

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Mrs. Namwirote's POV

My heart jumped in my chest when my front door buzzed.

I had a strong suspicion that it was Cooheart coming to investigate what was going on because I had blocked his number and I had instructed Santa to do the same.

I peeped through the eye hole of my front door. Sure enough it was Cooheart, his face looking very distressed.

I ran over to Cooheart's room where Santa was lying on the bed.

"Cooheart is here," I whispered nervously.

He shot up into a sitting position.

"Stay where you are," I instructed him. "Don't come out of the room until I tell you to do so. Keep the door to this room locked."

"Okay," he nodded nervously. I could see that he had gone pale. The poor dear must be very tempted to come out and meet my son, but this was not the time.

I walked slowly and deliberately back to the front door and opened it in no hurried fashion.

"What took you so long to come and open the door?" Cooheart demanded angrily.

"That is no way to talk to your mother," I scolded him.

"I'm sorry," Cooheart said. "It's just... I have been... I have..."

"Have you eaten yet?" I interrupted his stammering.

"No," he replied. "But I'm not hungry."

"Where did you find something to eat?" I asked, knowing that if Santa was not around, Cooheart would have to resort to buying restaurant food, or worse boil some ramen noodles, or eat burnt omelette. I was now just realizing how helplessly dependent he was on Santa for nutritious meals.

"I ... I was invited a few hours ago for lunch by Title's mom," he replied.

"What were you doing in Title's house???" I demanded to know.

"Mom, are you not going to let me into your house?" he asked.

I moved aside to let him in.

"So what were you doing in Title's house?" I asked as I followed him inside.

He went directly to the living room and plopped himself on to the couch.

"I really don't have to tell you but okay," he said. "The puppy that I gave to his mom for his mom's birthday..."

"Why are you still in touch with Title and his mom?" I interrupted his explanation.

"Mom, are you ever going to let me finish my sentences?" he sounded frustrated now as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Okay, okay, go on," I relented.

"The puppy got very sick due to an allergic reaction to something and they had to rush it to the vet clinic," he explained. "Title's mom was very distressed and she called me and..."

"Why would she still be calling you?" I forgot not to interrupt.


"Okay, okay."

"So I went over to the clinic. Title was also there..."



"Okay, okay."

"After Cocoa became more stable..."

"Who is Cocoa?" again I forgot not to interrupt but I needed to know who Cocoa was.

"The puppy's name," he replied impatiently. "So after Cocoa became stable and was breathing more normally, we brought it back home to Title's house and Title's mom invited me to stay for lunch."

"You should have just come over so I could have been the one who cooked lunch for you, not Title's mom," I scolded him."

"Oh yeah?" he asked sarcastically. "How did you expect me to do that when you have blocked my calls."

Oh shit, I forgot about that.

"I'm sorry," I said not really sounding or feeling sorry, "I don't know what happened to my phone."

He sat staring at me as if trying to decide whether I was telling the truth or not.

"You want me to cook dinner for you?" I asked, to change the topic.

"Yes, please, thank you," he sounded relieved.

My poor son. The mention of food can so easily sway him towards a better mood.

"I can make you some beef basil with a runny egg on top," I offered.

"Sounds yummy, thank you, mom," he said, starting to slouch on the couch.

And then, suddenly as if remembering something, he quickly stood up and said, "I would be more comfortable lying in my bed while waiting for dinner to be ready."

"Wait!!!" I screamed in panic when he started walking towards his room.

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