|Unforgivable pt.2|

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Hello everyone!

Last update was angsty, and I just realized that the last few updates have been like that.

|Just so you all know, in this oneshot, there is no war with Alacrya|

They are a neutral continent with a very curious ruler.

So let's lighten that up!



|Arthur's POV|

The white tile floor my knees rested against felt cool, even through the fabric of my pants. Sitting silently in a tub full of heated, bubbly water is Tess. A light blush rests over her cheeks, giving color to the paled skin of her face.

Dipping the sponge back into the water, I lather it in soap before taking her arm in one hand and washing her off with the other. No clear expression rests on her face, making her seem more like a human sized doll, than an actual person. She completely shut down.

She's been like this for an entire seven months, one week and three days. Ever since the attack at Xyrus Academy, she had been silent. Wouldn't talk to anyone, not even her parents to give her account on what happened.

After the atrocities done to their daughter, Alduin, Merial and gramps all stepped down from their positions in the council, and took up their thrones once more. Elenior was once again closed to both humans and dwarves, after the human and Dwarven councilmen tried to have me and Sylvie executed. My family now resides in Elenoir with me, now that we are under the protection of the Elven king and queen.

Tessia wouldn't let anyone touch her. Anyone but me apparently. The only reason I was even in the bathroom washing her is because I didn't trust her enough to not bring harm to herself again. As soon as she recovered from her wounds, she requested a bath. She locked the maids out of the bathroom, and proceeded to take a scalding hot shower, whilst rubbing her skin raw.

At the time, I felt like something was wrong, and I was right. After literally breaking her bathroom door off of its hinges, I pulled her out from under the boiling water. Because she didn't want anyone to touch her, I had to administer first aid to the burns she had.

Now though, her skin is healed once more. Barely any blemishes visible. With her finally completely cleaned, I pulled the metal chain connected to the drain to let the water funnel out of the tub. Tess stood almost immediately, stepping out of the tub as I wrapped a fluffy towel around her warm body, pulling her into a hug.

She simply leans against me, her head resting against my shoulder. After releasing her, I lifted her up bridle style. She didn't make a sound as I lift her up, only slightly squirming to get comfortable. A small smile graced my face as she burrows her face into the crook of my neck.

While she would let me touch her, she would still keep her distance. So having Tess actively snuggling up to me was a rather big step for her. Settling her on her bed, I pull the other tower from draping over my shoulder, to dry off her wet hair. For the first time in what felt like forever, her dulled emerald eyes flicker up to look straight into mine.

I could see tears forming as she places a hand over my arm, trying to pull me onto the bed with her. I silently comply, coming to sit behind her as she turns to her side. She curls up in my lap, still only wrapped in a big towel that very nearly encompasses her entire, very naked body.

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