|Kiss Me|

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Guess whoooo~

That's right! It's me! Ya girl has made an appearance!!

Did ya miss me? (Probably not lol)

Anywhore, LETS GET TO IT!



|Third Person POV|

Not a single, sensible, thought fluttered through Arthur's mind as he watched Tessia. There, sitting under a moon lit, cloudless sky. He watched the stars above glisten in her eyes, moonlight bathing her skin in pale silver. It was quiet. So calm and warm with the kind of peace that nearly smothered him, after years of fighting, winning, loosing. The anguish he experienced during the war branded itself into his soul forevermore.

Yet, in this single moment, sitting beside the one soul he'd promised to always be beside, those torturous memories seemed to fade into the farthest reaches of his mind. Beside him sat Tessia, who he thought of as his best friend. But, somewhere deep in his mind, that thought seemed to be wrong. Or missing something.

He was missing something. He was sure of it.

Whilst knowing that, it didn't truly occur to him what exactly it was, but he knew that a large part of himself, if not all of himself, knew that there had to be something more. So as he watched her, bathed in the light of night, he became keenly aware of his heart sending out pulses, beating faster or stuttering in a way that made him take deeper breaths. It was only around her, that his breath was stolen away. That his mind became a blank slate. That his body seemed to move on autopilot without his say so.

So just what was he missing?

"Art? What's wrong? Is there something on my face??" Tessia's voice clipped through his internal struggle. Calling his full attention as he sat silently, with a slight pinch of his brows. He stared on as his childhood friend reached up to touch her face. Watching that rosy red blush settle gently over the bridge of her nose, spreading slowly over her cheeks. Jewels for eyes holding a silent question and slight worry.

"...No. I'm just...confused." He spoke with a sigh, hand smoothing over his hair in a way that told Tessia of his minor frustration. She could only observe him as his head cocked to the side while his barely noticeable frown deepened.

"About?" She murmured in interest, wanting to help him with whatever burden he held at the moment. Just then, a cool breeze swept through the warm atmosphere, tugging at his hair lightly. And oh how hard it was for her to keep her hands placed against the grassy ground, instead of running her fingers through those golden locks.

Her query sat gently in the air, carried gently in the wind with a whisper. Longing to be answered. Heard. Appreciated. Though, her partner in crime seemed to struggle even more at her simple question. It annoyed him to no end, how his mind seemed to stop working at the sound of her voice.

"What...how do you feel about me? I mean, what exactly to you feel, when you are with me? I...I can't seem to—I don't know." He shook his head, quietly giving up on trying to find the words he was looking for. To explain to her, that he couldn't navigate his emotion alone. That he needed her guidance.

He thought, maybe if she could spell it out for him, he could figure the rest out on his own.

How utterly frustrating.

"...I fell in love."

Arthur's heart stopped as his eyes snapped to look over into hers. Hers, that carried the greenest of land. Land, that was brightened by the sun that was now Arthur's golden eyes. He sat speechless. Utterly and completely so. And in that silence, Tessia continued on.

"I fell in love." She repeated softly as she turned her body to fully face Arthur.

"The rumor already goes around. Before daylight and thereafter, I began to give my heart." She took his hands in hers, thumbs brushing over his cool knuckles.

"I met the sun.
And after it's light faded away,
leaving me cold and sightless,
I craved for it.

The sun that burned so bright,
so full of light and pure to my soul,
I craved forevermore.

I became its slave.
But what could I have done
But tend upon the hours
and times of its desire?
I have no precious time to spend,
Nor service to do,
Until it requires."

Her eyes held his for what seemed like hours, though was only seconds. She watched the air expel from Arthur as a rush of wind, as if he'd been holding his breath. His heart stammered yet again, as her words sunk deep into his skin and burned an engraving into his chest. Such beautiful words being said by a woman that he'd sacrificed his life for, time and time again, made that quiet warmth he felt turn into a blazing fire. One he was sure he wouldn't overcome, nor be able to extinguish.

His left hand slipped from her grasp to caress her face. Pulling her nearer, without fault. Guiding her closer as his eyes flickered from her emerald eyes, to her pink lips. But what he felt as they connected exceeded everything he felt up until then. Fire lit his skin ablaze as she responded, wholly with devotion. It was trust, but more. Faith, but deeper. Care, but richer. Comfort without reservations. Happiness without bounds. Arthur felt it, but couldn't quite put a name on it. A certain gratification. Completeness.

And as her dainty yet scared fingers slipped through his hair, pressing him closer...

It clicked.

Love. He was in love.

Not familial love, like he felt for his mother, father or sister. Not the kind of love he felt for Virion, Alduin and Merial as they took him in and raised him for four years of his life.



She was the one.

As they pulled back, a deep blush rested heavily over their cheeks, but the soft, endearing smile that spread across Tessia's face made him melt inside. Oh how we wished he could capture this image of her to keep forever.

"....I am in love with you." He whispered gently. Slow blinking as he came to terms with it. The smile on Tessia's face only seemed to brighten.

"Then kiss me."


I think I did something there..

Wait...that me cook—

Anywhore, the poem was from a sonnet from Shakespeare! With my own little twist of course.

Tell me what you think!

See ya~
(1,096 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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