chapter 1

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janson gently pushes me by the small of my back to go through the double doors before me. uncertainly, i slowly push them open and step inside. i gasp. the whole room was filled with teenagers my age; all sitting at tables, eating, and chatting brightly. the most shocking thing was that i didn't recognise any. well that was before i saw minho running towards me.
"there you are! we've been worried!" he says. "come on we are sat over there" he points at a table full of people, all the people from group A and a couple i didn't recognise. we make our way over to the table, and i take my seat next to thomas, who was chatting to the people i didn't recognise.

i stop paying attention to the group and look around at my surroundings. one boy in particular caught my attention. there was nothing special about him, he was sat on his own with his hood pulled over his head, and i could see a small tuft of short brown hair peeking through. he was picking at his food - or rather inspecting it. there was something so interesting to me that meant i couldn't take my eyes off him.

"that boy over there? hes been here the longest. almost a week" i hear, tuning back into the conversation. i look back at my table and see everyone looking at the same boy i was looking at.
"why is he alone?" i ask, suddenly interested.
"his maze was nothing but girls. some guys get all the luck." says the other guy sat on our table. apparently, i was showing disappointment, because newt raised an eyebrow at me. he was not going to let me live this down.

i look back at the boy one last time, and to my surprise he is already staring at me. i quickly look back down at the table, instantly feeling embarrassed.

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