chapter 7

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after hours of walking, we decided to set up camp and sleep. we sat on a few logs and started a fire. no one could speak, and we just sat there in mourning silence.

once we were all tired enough, we laid on the ground and got ready to sleep.

i awake to the sound of thomas cussing at a bird, and realise i fell asleep on aris' chest. i quickly get up, glad i'm one of the first awake and start packing things up

once everyone is awake and ready to go, newt giggles and asks
"so y/n how did you sleep" adding a very unsubtle wink on the end. i brushed it off like i had no idea what they were talkint aboit, but inside i was panicking.

we carry on with our hike through the desolate land, when thomas starts to perk up a lot. i peer into the distance and see what hyped him up so much. a building. its around a 20 minute walk away, and we all seem to gain energy to walk.

about 10 minutes in, disaster struck. literally. the weather decided to turn on us, and instead of blistering heat, there was torrential rain and lightning. of course since we are extremely lucky, minho ends up getting hit by lightning.

we end up dragging minho to the building. once we get inside, it is very dark for around 5 minutes. as soon as the light turns on though, we instantly regret it. there are hundreds of these cranks in the room, eyeing us. one leaps forward, terrifying us, until we realise its chained up.

only a few moments later, a girl walks in. she seems to be around our age with short brown hair.

we hurriedly follow her, not wanting to spend any time with those decaying people.

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