chapter 13

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i wake up in a small dark room. theres nothing in here except a glass wall. only a couple of moments later, a light turns on and i gasp. on the other side of the glass wall is another small room, but this one has a chair. and tied to the chair is a knocked out boy. aris.

soon, 3 men enter the room, each holding a different weapon. aris wakes up as if on cue, and i can't bear to watch, knowing what is going to happen.
"STOP!!" i scream, banging on the glass. they ignore me, and aris looks terrified. i instantly regret everything. this is all my fault. they start by just using their hands, beating him up, and i am still screaming for them to stop. jansons voice appears throughout both rooms
"y/n if you want it to stop so badly, why don't you stop it yourself? or are you too scared to show aris the true monster you really are?" he mocks. this enrages me more. i know exactly what his plan is, but all i can think about is stopping the men from hurting aris. aris seems to be pretty beaten up now, and i have to stop it. the three men start to take delight in torturing him, and thats it.

i slam my body against the glass and it shatters. i walk through slowly, seething with anger. the men just smirk at me. one of them starts to make a long gash with a knife on aris' cheek, and i throw him across the room with my mind. he hits his head hard and goes unconscious . aris has seen the real me now. no going back. i am still extremely angry, and knock out the other two people. i then faint from exhaustion.

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