chapter 8

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the girl, who is called brenda, takes us to a group of older men. i look around and can instantly see the regret in everyones eyes. i am standing very close to aris, and our hands keep bumping together. i hate to admit it but i am moving my hand on purpose to bump into his, but not because i like him. because i don't.

brenda grabs thomas and starts scanning his neck, startling us. he starts panicking
"shut up you big baby" brenda replies calmly. the scanner apparently shows somethint, and the older guy who seems to be in charge smirks
"sorry hermanos, you seem to be htagged." a couple of the other men escort everyone, but i get held back by brenda.
"we know who you are. and what you can do." the older guy, jorge, says. i gasp. that was my secret, and i did not want my friends to find it out about it. especially aris. they would all think i am a monster. jorge seems to sense my alarm.
"dont worry, we won't tell your little friends." he reassures me. "but we do need your help."

they make me find someone - a leader of a rebellion called the right arm. i quickly reach them in my mind, and have the location. jorge starts celebrating, but quickly stops at the sound of bergs above us.
"shit. we need to get out of here" brenda says, grabbing things. jorge passes me a gun, and tells me where my friends are. i quickly make my way to them, and untie them.
"y/n!! where were you?" frypan asks. they all look relieved to see me, and i quickly untie them all from the interesting trap they had been put in.

questions were flying at me from everyone.
"what happened?"
"why are they letting us go?"
"where did you get the gun from?"
i ignore all questions and tell them the only thing they need to know.
"we need to go now." without anything else said, they all follow me to where jorge said to meet. a window. he is there waiting, and is holding some contraption on a rope. a zipline.

i decide to go first. i take a deep breath as i climb onto the dodgy zipline, and take off. luckily i don't die. aris goes straight after me and we both stand close together, waiting for everyone to get across

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