chapter 15

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"you literally just stopped people torturing me with your mind." he says. "even though you knew it would put you in danger."
"its my fault you got there in the first place though" i confess.
"no its not! i was the one who said they could take me!". he replies.
"okay. i believe you. so what do you actually think of me then?" i ask for a final time. it takes him a while to respond.

"i really like you y/n. ever since i saw you in the cafeteria. you just are so perfect. and i thought you could possibly like me back, until i saw you with minho." he confesses. i stare at him in shock.
"aris.." i start. thats when we are reminded of where we are.
"well done y/n you can be the monster we knew you were" jansons voice crackles throughout the room.
"we need to get out of here" i whisper to aris. he tries to get up, but is still really weak. i put his arm around my shoulder and we stand up together. it doesn't work. everything goes black.

believe | aris jonesWhere stories live. Discover now