chapter 18

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i look around - no one else is here. i gently push him against the wall with my telekinesis so he can't run, and stand in front him. he refuses to look me in the eye.
"aris please, i need to talk to you" i say again.
"okay fine" he says, reluctantly. i take a deep breath, but he speaks first.
"look if you are here to tell me you are in love with minho and that i am stupid and need leave you alone, i know. i regret saying everything in that room." he starts.
"what? no! im not in love with minho!" i say, surprised.
"you don't need to lie to pity me. i saw you two kiss, and i saw you hug just now" i let out a laugh.
"we hugged just now because i got taken by wicked and just got back. he didn't think i was even alive! and i don't think of him any more than as a brother" i reassure him.
"then why did you kiss him?"
i stare at him for a moment, not knowing how to tell him.
"that marcus guy forced us to drink something, and it turns out it was drugged." i start "and i didn't kiss minho because i wanted to kiss him, i kissed him because.." i trail off.
"because what?" he asks impatiently.
"because.. i hallucinated and.. i thought minho was you." i say, embarrassed.

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