Boy Meets Girl

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Boy Meets Girl.

"You've been corrupted."

ERIC MATTHEWS DIDN'T consider himself a people pleaser. He pretended popularity was important to him, because he knew that was what was expected to him. But, in reality, those people didn't matter to him. The looks he got after a breakup didn't matter to him. He had always been assured of himself growing up.

Until he met Beckett Hunter.

She had always hated him, told him every chance she got. At first, when they met five years ago, he thought she was joking. But, well, here they were.

It bothered him to no end when she would pick at him, so much so he'd pick back and it became the norm for them. It was something Eric expected from her, holding his breath every time she approached.

The truth was, he didn't really care for this mean banter they had. He cared about Beckett's opinions, especially the one she had about him. It confused him. He didn't understand why she of all people hated him, when it could be anyone else in the world.

He wished they could be friends. He wished she would just say you're an alright guy, Eric.

But, that would never happen.

And despite her harsh words, Eric Matthews still defended her when her back was turned. Some people called her names, mostly regarding her home life, or her repeated outfits. He wouldn't allow it, if he could help it.

Even if it meant making her hate him even more.

He had been tucked up on a bench in the hallway, his nose in a Spanish textbook. He was actually studying for once, something Beckett always made fun of him for not doing. It made his heart warm that she was seemingly looking out for him and his grades, even if she hadn't intended it to be that way.

"What about Bianca Stratford?" A thick, New York accent said from the staircase above him, "She once called me ugly!"

"Joey, we ain't pranking no girl cause she said the truth." A more dominant, also New York style voice spoke.

"Oh... oh." The first voice, Joey, realized what voice number two was saying and quickly folded. A third voice now spoke, more reserved,

"You're not ugly, Joey. Just a tad uncharming."

Eric quickly recognized these voices as Harley Keiner and his two goons: Joey and Frankie. He would admit he was slightly afraid of them, everyone was. He didn't know what kind of 'prank' they were intending on doing, but he wanted no part.

"Well, what about Eric Matthews?" Joey suggested.

Eric's heart rate quickened and he quickly tuned into the conversation.

"Why do you suggest him?" Harley asked.

"Because he's listening to our conversation right now."

Eric's face went pale as two pairs of hands from above grabbed his shirt and yanked him to the other side of the wall, plopping him in front of the three bullies of John Adams.

"Wow, you're strong." Eric said with wide eyes, staring at Frankie.

The boy smiled, "Thank you!"

"So, what was you doin' listening to my conversation, Matthews?" Harley kissed his teeth and looked Eric down with a terrifying stare.

Harley wore a leather jacket and looked like he was at least thirty. He had been held back a few years.

"I was just studying," Eric laughed nervously, reaching over the wall to grab his textbook, which Joey slapped out of his hands.

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