Fishing For Virna

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Fishing for Virna.

"Maybe we were unhappy because you and dad never tried."

A CRAPPY LITTLE CAR the color of wine barreled down the highway, steady hands gripping the steering wheel and Micheal Jackson blaring in the background of Beckett's churning thoughts.

She'd gotten her car a week after school had started, and although it was old, worn, and sounded like it would fall apart, it definitely did the job. And her job right now was trying not to explode with anger.

Shawn had called her an hour ago, which was earlier then he usually did. The usual panic that surrounded her protectiveness over him had heightened, something that hadn't in a while. He was in trouble surely.

Only this time it wasn't something he had done, but what he had seen.

Virna Hunter.

'I saw her! At the motel across the street. I promise you.' He had told her.

So now she was driving home to inspect the situation. The music was to calm her ever increasing temper, but it wasn't working. She was livid.

How dare she disappear for a year and a half. How dare she abandon her family and then have the audacity to sit across the street and taunt them. Punish them. For what? Existing?

She didn't get to just come back like that. She didn't get to mess with Shawn's feelings.

She swerved into the trailer park faster then she ever had, parked, and stormed past confused neighbors, a few stray cats, and finally past the Unters, who lived directly across from her own family.

She took her and key, and after unlocking it, practically threw the door open. Chet, Shawn, and Cory were standing there with wide eyes.

"You're sure you saw her?" Beckett asked loudly, throwing her backpack to the side like she had done many times before.

"Yes." Shawn muttered, wincing as his sister cupped his face and checked him over.

Cory, who was holding his chest, huffed, "You could've given me a heart attack you bozo."

She glared at him, "Don't test me, Cory Matthews."

Chet shook his head, "I just don't understand. You're telling me for the last year I've traipsed across these United States searching for my long lost Virna, and you find her right across the highway?"

Shawn looked exasperated, yet ecstatic, "It's her, dad. She's been watching us."

It was silent for a quick moment, and Beckett rubbed a hand over her face. She couldn't stand Shawn looking hopeful over the woman. They'd been lucky enough Chet had come home. They had no idea how long Virna would stay in town.

"Well, how long she been there? How's she look? ...When's she coming home?" Chet asked, urgently.

Shawn shook his head and dropped his shoulders, "I-I don't know. I haven't gone over there yet."

"Why not?"

Shawn shifted his weight, "I'm afraid I'm gonna.. chase her away again."

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