The Turnaround Dance

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The Turnaround Dance.

"Please, don't ditch me."

BECKETT WAS SWEATING PROFUSELY. She was standing in the middle of the hallway staring at a big poster that read TURN-AROUND-DANCE.

It was basically a sexist idea that proposed girls ask guys to a dance, which hello, was already a thing. Not that Beckett ever did that.

And she never would.

Because her and Jason were already going together, right?

She wasn't exactly sure of that fact, because although they held hands and did the occasional kissing, they still hadn't made anything official. It was starting to become ridiculous, even to Beck, who still had this nervous, unsure feeling inside of her every time she laid eyes on her best friend.

She heard a string of annoying, high pitched voices and she didn't need to take her eyes off the poster to know it was Cory and Shawn.

The two approached her, both fixed in their own conversation about the dance.

"It's about time the girls had to worry and sweat and write out a list of conversation topics on their hands." Cory smirked at this best friend as they stopped in front of Shawn's locker.

Beckett gave the boy a look, "Do you do that?"

"..No. Never." Cory said oh-so nonchalantly, "I'm just glad the pressure's off. You nervous, Beck?"

"No," Beck rolled her eyes, "I'm already going with Jason so."

"Oh! Are you two finally official?" Shawn asked with curiosity. Beckett stilled,


"Then how do you know without asking?" He asked with a mischievous smirk that always got under his sister's skin.

Cory laughed at her panicked face, "Have fun with that! I just get to sit back and wait."

Eric rounded the corner right behind Beck, putting a friendly hand on her shoulder, "That's what you think? Oh, dream on girls."

Cody's expression soured, "What do you mean?"

"A turn-a-round dance tells you where you stand. The type of girl that asks you tells you who you are." Eric shrugged like it was obvious.

Beckett scoffed, "Oh, come on. That's what you think?"

"That's what I know."

"Well, who are you if nobody asks?" Cory asked.

"Then you're you!" Eric laughed and Beck gave him a shove away from her, "Hey!"

"Is there really a system in the guy world like this?" Beck was horrified at the prospect.

Eric nodded, "Yup."

"Well.." She knew she shouldn't have asked, but she was going to anyways, "Then who's Jason? I mean if I'm going with him."

She expected Eric to throw a jab at her or wince, but he only gave her a soft smile, "He's pretty cool, I think."

"Eric!" Cory interrupted, throwing his body in his brothers direction, "How do you get asked by a cool girl?"


Beck, although disgusted by this male behavior in 'getting women', was interested to see what Eric had to show off.

"You want a cool girl? Hang by her locker. Stay in her direct vision. If she can't see you, she can't ask you." Eric explained, making Beck hold in a laugh.

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