Me and Mr. Joad

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Me and Mr. Joad.

"We love to bungee jump off buildings together and vandalize."

BECKETT HUNTER DOES NOT RUN. But on this day, she knew she had to. For the greater good of the country (and her sanity).

This month of terror would end.

She sprinted down the sidewalk, much farther ahead of her little brother, who was yelling at her to slow down.

"No time to lose!" She yelled back, approaching the Matthews household. She rounded the corner to their backyard, past a confused looking Mr. Feeny who didn't even bother to ask.

She slammed into the door, gasping in horror when she realized it was locked.

"Mrs. Matthews!" She yelled loudly, jiggling the doorknob. The woman in question was thankfully in the kitchen and opened it for her with a frown.

"Didn't I tell you to call me—"

"Yeah, yeah." Beckett waved her hand as she tumbled in.

Before Amy could protest, Eric came barreling down the stairs and tried to run out the door, but Beckett stopped him with her arms.

"No!" Is all she yelled as he pushed back. "She's using you, Eric! Do not go on any more errands for her." She struggled against him, underestimating his strength.

He shoved her out of the way, ignoring the noooo that came out of her mouth as she fell to the ground. He collided with his mom, who was now also attempting to stop him.

"I don't care what errand Desiree is sending you on! You are going to sit down and eat some breakfast!" Amy pushed him back, causing him to bounce on his heels like some MMA fighter.

"You'd like that if she never got her shampoo!" He accused Amy, "Wouldn't you mom? Wouldn't you?" He threw himself forward and the duo did a do-si-do.

"What kind of control does this girl have on you!" Amy yelled, pushing him back to his original position.

"This girl does not control me! I control her." He claimed, absolutely delusional. Beckett narrowed her eyes at this statement and stood from her position on the floor. She turned to Cory, who was sitting at the table reading Grapes Of Wrath.

"I'm bringing out the big guns." She said heroically. The boy saluted her as she jumped forward onto Eric's back.

"You are going to break up with this girl before she breaks you." She yelled as they struggled. Suddenly, his pink pager went off, making the whole room still. Beckett hesitantly opened her eyes and read over the boy's shoulder.

"Oh," Eric said calmly, "She needs conditioner."

The chaos ensued once again as Beckett attempted to pull him back from the door, but his determination allowed him to fake out his mom and run out of the house.

Beckett was still on his back.

"Never forget me!" She yelled back to Amy.


"Miss Hunter!" A voice sounded, bringing Beck's head out of her homework. Mr. Feeny was walking her way, a folder in hand.

"Hi, Mr. Feeny." She greeted, casually. They exchanged a smile as the man handed her the folder, "What's this?"

"A project."

"A project?"

Mr. Feeny smiled mischievously, "The school newspaper is conducting interviews, and I volunteered you."

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