I Ain't Gonna Spray Lettuce No More

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I Ain't Gonna Spray Lettuce No More.

"Strudel is the way to go!"

JOHN ADAMS HIGH WAS NOT the place Beckett wanted to be on a random Thursday afternoon, but here she was, walking through the halls in embarrassment.

"I've graduated," She was saying to herself, "I'm in college. I should never have to be here again."

Eric, who was beside her, wasn't paying attention to her at all, and instead greeting the people he once knew, "Hey, how are ya'? Good to see you, haven't seen you in a while," He'd turn another way, "Hey, you do that then, all right?" And then to a random girl Beck wasn't even sure he knew, "And you. I'm not talking to you."

Each person gave him an odd look, and Beck huffed, "I don't understand why I have to be here."

"Because you're my emotional support. This is really embarrassing for me." Eric said with a shrug.

The girl rolled her eyes, "One day that excuse won't work anymore! I have a life you know. I don't want people thinking I peaked in high school like someone I know."

"Wow...Something about these halls make you extra mean, did you know that?"

Beck sarcastically smiled, and they soon came across their favorite teacher, "Hey, Mr. Feeny!" Eric greeted, "How's it going by and by?"

The man turned, "Fine... by and by." Beck smiled in greeting, "So, Mr. Matthews, Miss Hunter, how does it feel to be back in the old school hall?"

Beck shrugged, "Like I was here four months ago."

Eric, meanwhile, was standing with his hands on his hips, proud, "They miss me, don't they?"

"Oh, yes. We've brought in a crisis counselor to help the students deal with their loss."

"Well, I think that's a great way to begin the healing process." Eric joked, "Oh, you weren't serious!"

Feeny smiled, "No. I take it you're here to set up a tutoring schedule?"

Beckett nodded for the boy. She had been pushing him to get started in applying for schools again, and this was a great way to start. Get his skills up again and ready for testing. Of course, he was reluctant, but it's what he needed.

But it turned out in the past thirty seconds he had changed his mind.

"Well, i was.." He began, his eyes strictly ahead so he couldn't see the disbelief coming from his friend, "But now I really don't think tutoring is going to be necessary for me."

"Eric.." Mr. Feeny began, grabbing him by the arm, "I thought we agreed that colleges look favorably on students who acknowledge their scholastic shortcomings and try to rectify them."

"Whatever." Eric shrugged, "But my dad has actually decided to start a family business and has generously offered me a position within the firm. So as you can see, my future's assured."

It was true. Alan had quit his job at the grocery store sporadically and had decided to find a new career to satisfy his family. Beck had known that, as it was fresh and Cory had been crying to her and Shawn about becoming 'poor like them'.

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